Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Caveat emptor

Is There Another You

"Caveat emptor" means "let the buyer beware." I think in this case, this can apply to sellers who partner themselves with less-than-desirable (yet extremely cunning) people. This blog is my father's. He has pretty much had his ass (financially) handed to him on a platter, all because he trusted one guy. This guy snowed quite a bit of people. He soaked my father for around $90,000 before he could shut off the funds (around the $30k mark is when my father tried to stop things, but this guy had his claws in everything). He's conned another woman out of over $10,000...it was enough of a loss that she couldn't continue paying her mortgage and the bank forclosed. He's holed up in Canada, and the US District Attorney is too chickenshit or apathetic to bother extraditing the asshole. Apparently, the FBI will only take action if the amount from the "scam" is over $250,000. So only those with that kind of money ever get help. Average Joes get the shaft.

That's the story behind the blog, anyway. He's tried to get airtime with 20/20 and the like, but they've so far said this isn't "newsworthy." Maybe it isn't. $90,000 is nothing compared to HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars (or even millions). But if this guy isn't brought to justice SOON, a lot more people are going to get hurt. For the record, he's scammed my father for $90,000, the aforementioned woman for over $10,000, the TOWN OF HOULTON (a government entity!) for $5,000, a friend of my father's for about $30,000, a doctor out on the west coast for around $5,000...There's more, but I can't remember it all. It's pretty scary that just because there isn't a lump-sum amount over $250,000, the Justice Department will just sit on their hands.

The last direct bit of damage to my father from this guy happened almost two years ago. The rest of these people were scammed from about that time up to now. I can only imagine what the aggregate amount is for all the people he's scammed. I've already listed more than half of the Fed's supposed "cutoff." And those are all the ones that I know about. So, what the fuck!?

PS: the woman who lost $10,000 was scammed in the exact same way my father was: starting a corporation with him. It gave the scammer a good umbrella to do his dirty deeds under. I don't know all the legal or technical details, but that's one of his hallmarks. So, let the potential business partner beware!


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