Thursday, July 27, 2006

This shit has got to stop

Army dismisses gay Arabic linguist - Military Affairs -

This is intolerable. An able-bodied Army sergeant who has a VERY RARE and sought-after skill was kicked out of the army, all because he likes dick. To this I say: what the fuck? We're SUPPOSEDLY so concerned about terrorists, and yet we throw away a perfectly good tool of defense all because he's GAY. Damn, I'm moving to Denmark. Why is it the US Government (and, unfortunately, to some degree, the US people) so bass-ackwards? Why is Europe (most of it) so progressive? What is our rationale here? Anyone who counters with "God hates gays" and uses that as a rationale for our laws...well, to them, I say, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." To me, that says that if a law is based off of some kind of antiquated and obsolete religious morality, it shouldn't be in the books. It establishes the so-called 'moral' standard of a religion, and therefore the religion(s) that go along with it. For fuck's sake, being gay doesn't hurt anyone. It's not murder, it's not armed robbery. So what's the problem here? We ALL need to mentally (and spiritually) move into the 21st century here.


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