Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Al Gore for President...


Al Gore...because he can't be any worse than "Dubya."

No, seriously. If you support his ideals about our environment and domestic policy, you should seriously consider signing this petition. I don't know about his foreign policy expertise, but he's the best Democratic possibility we've seen in a long time.

If you're a Republican, or just think Al Gore is a goon, then I guess you can pass on the petition. Unless, for a laugh, you'd LIKE to see his name on the ballot, just so you can vote for the other guy. Yes, I know people like this; who makes comments like this.

Now, "Draft Gore Dot Com" touts VP Gore's record and stance on things like the environment. They have links to various people giving him praise, including former President Clinton. Also, the petition says that our current administration is "a government that tramples our Constitution, wages unjust war in our name, sacrifices our economic future, and puts our very planet on the endangered species list." Well, we all know my stance on this so-called "unjust" war we're waging in Iraq...and if you don't, I'll break it down for you. We were, at the very least, duped into going in there looking for WMDs (and no, I wouldn't put it past the administration to outright lie about it, but there is proof of intelligence saying there WAS WMDs in Iraq just before we went gallavanting through their country); and now that we're there, and deposed of 'the Butcher of Baghdad' (I'm sure he got that name for a good reason), we owe it--I say OWE IT--to the Iraqi people to leave them with some semblance of a country, let alone a prosperous one. That means staying there (and even adding troops if needed) until the job is done. Period. Or their democratically-elected government tells Dubya, "Get your troops outta here." One or the other. We, as 'average' citizens of the United States, have NO REAL IDEA what's going on in there. Some have an up-close view (our troops, journalists, relief workers), but nobody (especially us armchair jockeys watching the news every night) can really see the Big Picture, except the higher-ups in our government and military. So calling the war 'unjust' really boils down to nothing but conjecture. Until it's written in the history books (and history will always bring out the truth in time).

Jesus, I was putting up a post about petitioning Al Gore to run for President, and I went off on that tangent. Okay. Back to the topic at hand.

I don't know just how much base this grass-roots Internet effort (they just recently used a word, regarding Lamont's victory over Liebermann in Conneticut using grass-roots Internet efforts--called 'Netroots') to get Gore to run really has, but in the end, it's really his decision. I'm sure he had his reasons to refuse to run in 2004. I, personally, would LIKE to see someone charged up running for President on the Democratic ticket in 2008. I'm unsure about Hillary Clinton, and I haven't really seen any other potential candidates one can really get excited about. "DGDC" seems to have polling data that shows if Gore were to run in the primary right now...well, here's the blurb right on their front page:

A large straw poll of 13,000 people by AlterNet has Al Gore blowing away all potential candidates for 2008 -- 35% to Hillary Clinton's 7%. In a DailyKos poll of 13,000 people, Gore leads all contenders by a whopping 68%, with the runner up, Russ Feingold, at 15%. And on poll, Gore again has a huge lead with 38%.

(I should note these are Internet polls, like they'd have on, and therefore are probably not scientific and, therefore, an accurate sampling of Americans' views.)

To be perfectly honest, for me anyway, it'd be REALLY exciting to see Gore running against McCain in 2008. Holy. Crap. TWO quality candidates running for office?? Well, if our last presidential election is any indication, we'll have a chimp and an orangutan running instead.

So sign the petition. Maybe it'll work. Maybe Gore's been calculating this since his defeat in 2000. If so, he must have an assload of patience.


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