Saturday, February 19, 2005

You keep your car keys WHERE?

Here is something I saw on The article itself is about nudists at a restaurant in NYC. This quote, though, is about naked yoga and people's behavior therein. I quote:

"Everyone was a little concerned there would be people looking around but the good thing is nobody really was," she said, standing at the restaurant's bar before dinner.

Well, of COURSE not. If I were in a room full of naked people, and I was naked myself, I'd be scared to DEATH of popping a boner. That would get about a 9.9 on the Embarassment Scale. I'm sure the other people there would rather just focus on their yoga (which this woman did mention) than risk the ...uh... discomfort of sporting a woodie (if you're male). Women on the other hand... well, I guess they just don't want to fall over laughing if one of us men DID get an erection.

My stance on nudity--including public nudity--is this: what's the big freaking deal? God put us into this world like this. It says in Acts 10:15, "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean." It refers to Peter visiting Cornelius, a gentile, and how normally a Jew is forbidden to associate with a gentile; and yet because God claimed that no man should be considered unclean, that Peter should visit and witness to him. In a nutshell, it states that we should not condemn that which God has created. And yet, do we do so when we (for all intents and purposes) deride nudism? (Of course, there's passages in the Old Testament about the children not being allowed to see their father naked because it's shameful, but whatever.)

Okay, done rambling. I'm going to be concise. I see nothing wrong with nudity ... although there are some people who should think about whether it would be wise to wander around naked. And, of course, nuditiy in Maine in the middle of January is just plain stupid (unless it's indoors and the heat's cranked). The human body can be a beautiful thing, and, in my opinion, it's an insult to God to be ashamed of His creation.

No, I'm not a "Bible thumper" (as some people call it), but, considering how the United States has this ...issue with religion and how it ties in to morality and (dare I say it) law, I figured this was a good venue to use a Bible quote, in context.

Wow, do I have a ream of complaints with the hypocrisy and general oddity of we Americans. But I'll save that for another post.


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