Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Some of what went on after Katrina - Comments

Pressed for details, she doesn't hesitate. She speaks of two girls being raped and murdered inside the dome, one aged seven. The other was 16 and was "slit open" by a knife after she was raped in the woman's bathroom, she says. Much of what she tells is similarly described by several other dome evacuees. A boy aged seven was also raped by two men.

Almost everyone talks of gunshots in the night, including one shooting of a National Guard soldier. Ms Farrell says the soldier died, others spoke of him being wounded in the leg and surviving. Meanwhile, she adds, a black-market trade flourished in marijuana cigarettes, crack cocaine, guns and alcohol, in plain view of the authorities. Men were flashing their penises at the women, who dared only go to the bathroom in groups of five. When the bathrooms became so foul that going into them was impossible, people began squatting down just anywhere to relieve themselves. "Human beings don't live like that, people in the street don't live like that," she says.

Anyone out there who can still say anarchy is a good thing needs to be kicked in the nuts. Repeatedly. This is ANARCHY, motherfuckers. Reading shit like this makes me want to go puke. No, not the reading of it...knowing that it happened. Jesus. Maybe a totalitarian state government isn't such a bad thing. It'll keep the whack jobs in control. I mean, how the fuck do you prevent this kind of shit without bringing Big Brother in?

Okay... breathe... calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean...

All right. I think I'm in a proper frame of mind now. I just need to publish this and forget about it while I still can.


I can't forget about this! (here we go again) Where does this kind of evil start from? Why can't people ALWAYS be on their best behavior? What the fuck did raping children do for anyone? RRRRRGH!

I'll say it again. Three things:

1. Major worldwide catastrophe...
2. A select group of people leave Earth for another planet and start things over again...
3. Jesus Returns.

Those are the only Three Things that could ever fix this fucked up planet.

Okay... whew... summer breezes... summer breezes... God. I'm starting to sound like a Pat Robertson with that last rant. I better stop. Now.


Blogger xanadian said...

True. The governments were so unprepared for the disaster; so the conditions the refugees were/are in were atrocious. However, that does not excuse the actions of these people.

What I find interesting is I see very few news articles on people living at the other end of the spectrum from the aforementioned ... animals (I can't find a better word to describe them). What about refugees who have helped their fellow humans? I haven't found an article yet.

9:52 AM  

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