Monday, January 09, 2006

Evil endures.

It seems to me that there is more to the Iraq issue than meets the eye. Every other day we hear about militants blowing up things in Iraq, including their own people (that last part is most definitely in question, as a lot of these militants come from across the border). The US, in an attempt to be the world's big brother, tries to keep problems like this from happening. We even go so far as to topple evil regimes, such as the Taliban in Afghanistan and Hussein in Iraq.

And yet, evil endures.

It seems to me that there is more chaff in the world than wheat. You may say, "but most people are powerless to resist evil dictators, etc." To which I say, "Bullshit." If people REALLY wanted to, even if the government in power had all the guns, they could still stock up weapons and explosives and do kamikaze-style tactics designed to overthrow their government. These insurgents in Iraq are a prime example of what extent people are willing to go for a cause, as misdirected (or evil in this case) it may be.

Which makes me wonder.

Nothing like this happened under least, nothing like this was reported. But now that Hussein is gone, people are blowing themselves up. It makes me wonder if, despite the admonishments countries like Saudi Arabia may have made in public in regards to Hussein; in reality, they were saying, "Good job, Saddam, buddy, ole pal."

Considering that (allegedly) a lot of these insurgents come from Saudi Arabia, this would not surprise me.

I have to give this much to President Bush: he's an idealist. We actually need more of that kind of people in this world. But, I suppose, leaders of fundamentalist movements are idealists, also. Just the wrong ideals.


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