Friday, March 03, 2006

...sooo many men are gonna hate me for this one...

Why Is The Sky Chartreuse?: This explains our society's woes in so many ways.

...but maybe it'll get me laid. I need to get laid. BADLY.

I digress.

I mentioned in Consilium Circulo (look for the link) about how a new government in a new society would look. I suggested a 12-seat "council" that essentially took on the duties of the executive branch.

What if they were all women?

Let's look at history: matriarchial (sp?) societies that date before the Hebrews (people who worshipped Inanna for example) were very peaceful and just. That's not to say they wouldn't go to war. I'm speaking in relative terms. Why? I think it has a lot to do with this brain study. Men GET OFF on revenge! Helllooooo!!

So I think I'll put that in my Consilium blog (which needs a better name...suggest a better one someone...and I'm talking "constructive" suggestions, not flames).


Blogger xanadian said...

Some of the "irrational" things done by men have had positive side effects: namely, all the technological doodads that surround us on a daily basis (well, maybe not so positive if you're a Luddite...). Of course, all the main results have been nothing short of negative.

Except sports. I like sports. And competitiveness is just Darwin.

Both men and women have their strengths and their weaknesses. Perhaps split the council 50% men 50% women for a balance. Lord knows this world needs balance.

11:28 PM  

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