Friday, February 24, 2006

If you're into trading oil futures...

Shots, explosion at Saudi oil refinery - Mideast/N. Africa -

...GO LONG! I guarantee that this one incident will be enough of an "excuse" for oil companies to jack up the price of gasoline at least 25 cents per gallon (I'm wagering on 50 cents).

Just as a little additional info: My father was friends with a comptroller for Exxon back in the 70s. This guy would PAY hundreds of thousands of dollars to protesters to go out and protest nuclear power plants. That's how low these oil companies will go to make a buck. So it wouldn't surprise me to find out that an oil company paid these "terrorists" to go attack an oil refinery, just so they could make a few extra bucks to get that golden-plated cigarette lighter in their Lexus.



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