Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Why did God give us free will?

News from Agape Press

...if we've got people running around trying to restrict it?

If a person chooses to go against the teachings of Jesus, it's their own responsibility. Where does this moral agenda end? Banning porn stores? Banning all Internet porn via national legislation? Clothing codes on the beach (i.e., no exposed midriffs/no bikinis, etc)? That last part sounds a lot like a law passed in Iran recently to reward the garment industry in making traditional Islamic clothing and making a legal statement about what people should wear. Also, in the Bible it talks about what women should wear. I can't quote chapter and verse, but it's in the New Testament. When I find it, I'll let you know.

The point is, where do we draw the line here? I've read my share of porn. There are objectification issues with it which give me reservations about it (i.e., how many of the women are doing it because they want to or because they need the money), and I don't support repression of any kind. But where does it stop? Where to we stop certain people from butting into others' personal lives?


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