Wednesday, August 30, 2006

iPods on a Plane?

WoW Forums -> I played WoW, I became a terrorist (story!)

Apparently, if you carry your iPod on board a plane, MAKE DAMN SURE you have it properly secured...OR ELSE.

Here's a story about a WoW player who accidentally dropped (and flushed) his iPod in a lavatory, thus prompting a bomb scare and flight diversion. The link leads to his story about what happened, and is a pointed example of government pushing the limits. As our author states, "Thomas Jefferson predicted that every government will, over time, grow to protect solely its own interests, and I agree with him."

This is more than just a funny story, this is a testament to what Thomas Jefferson said some 200 or so years ago. As constituents of our elected officials, we can make threats to the jobs of these so-called leaders in office. It baffles me why we don't...we keep electing the same morons over and over again. I guess there's not a whole lot of choice out there. Only those with money can afford to run for the highest offices in the country, and I find it hard to believe that these people would put the public's interest over their own.

That, however, isn't always true. But, majority rules.


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