Monday, February 12, 2007

Honest Ed?

Campaign '08: Who Is the ‘Real’ John Edwards? - Newsweek Politics -

People are looking for a 'change' in Washington. That, at least, is what every politician is telling us. I'm not sure that any candidates being fielded right now would create a worthy 'change,' but here's another guy I'm beginning to respect. First, some quotes:

In the fall of 2005, John Edwards sat down with a pad and pen and scrawled out three simple words: "I was wrong [agreeing to the Iraq war]." [...] But when a draft came back from his aides in Washington, Edwards's admission was gone. Determined, the senator reinserted the sentence. [...] "That was the single most important thing for me to say," Edwards recalls. "I had to show how I really feel."

On Feb. 4, in an appearance on "Meet the Press," he broke the cardinal rule of presidential politics and admitted that his proposal for universal health care would require raising taxes.

I'm not keen on giving more of my money to the government...but it's refreshing to actually see a presidential candidate be so candid and honest. Personally, I agree that taxes need to be raised some, considering (a) the limits imposed by our current health care system (which needs more than just money but a total overhaul) and (b) the looming potential for crisis in Social Security.

A note on this: "Critics claim Edwards's new 28,000-square-foot home in Orange County, N.C., shows his commitment to the poor may not be as all-consuming as he suggests." Does Edwards pay his taxes? He's even proposing to raise them (including his own). So STFU (as they say). If he's earned that money legally, who are you to gripe? Any mention from you guys at all about charities he may have donated to? Of course not.


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