Saturday, February 19, 2005

How Was My Day? (2/19/2005)

This was my first day blogging. I surfed a few other blogger's pages, as well. Actually, the count was only "two," but it was enough. Dick Shagwell was my first stop. I swear, I almost pissed myself at least three times (yes, I'm admitting to it). Let's say I learned ... well, nothing I guess. But I was well entertained. And despite how some people might view his womanizing (I have no problem with it as long as he is good to his women, which he seems to be), you read some of his posts and realize the guy really has a head on his shoulders. Needless to say, I recommend this blogger to just about everyone and their dog. Oh, and he apparently likes Family Guy. Big plus. And, I figured that maybe I should lighten up a bit on MY posts (which will very much likely be political in nature for a short while, thankfully). And whatnot (ha ha).

His page led me to Trashman's blog, which I haven't finished, but is also quite funny. I'll have to continue reading it later.

My friend-with-benefits poked fun at me, that I would spend so much time reading Shagwell's stuff. Things like "so you like him, huh?" (considering my once-bisexual background, there's an inside joke in there). Really funny.

Hmm... looking back, I see this is my fourth post in 24 hours. I need a job. Or a life. Or both, while we're at it. Or the winning lottery numbers. Yeah... that's the ticket...

Today was a decent day. I'll have to give it a "7." Thank God for good drugs!

The word of the day is: Cucumber. Don't ask why. I don't even know. It just ... popped in there. The word, not the vegetable. Why do I get the feeling I'm setting myself up for a bad joke...


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