Monday, August 08, 2005

Hubba, hubba!!

The appeal of amateur porn - Sexploration -

This relates to something else that I think is important: we should all love our bodies. And, we should not be afraid to show them off.

Now, the more shallow person (uh, I'm talking about me, here, too, I'm afraid) will say, "yes, but what about the people that ...uhm... SHOULDN'T be seen naked?" Yeah, what about them? They, too should feel pride in their bodies. If they're fat and have a problem with it, they can always DO something about it. Even just losing ten to twenty pounds (which I've managed to do in just 6 weeks, coincidentally; going from 184 to 170 pounds) not only will make the "fatso" look and feel sexier, but they'll also have a much lower chance of developing diabetes and heart disease.

Therefore, in my opinion, I think everyone should go nude. If they feel self-conscious because of a lack in attractiveness in their physique...go to a gym. Or do like I did: buy a $75 Wal Mart Super Craptacular bicycle and pedal for an hour, three times a week. Watch that weight fall offa ya! And so what if you don't look like the Hiltons (or Ron Jeremy in the 70's, yowza!)? The point is to feel GOOD about yourself. You're not trying to win awards ...except from yourself.

And about that bicycle: I use it to go to and from work, saving as much as $12 a week in gasoline.


Blogger xanadian said...

Just as a follow-up: I've been denuding myself of my monkeyness (read: excess body hair) over the past several days, having been prompted by this article (and others I've seen). I'm not a very hairy guy, mind you; but I've got enough so that it bugs me. My legs are bare now. The difference is surprising. When I bike to and from work, I actually feel cooler. Don't know about the wind resistance, though. My bike is a bit too heavy for me to notice a difference there. Any change in wind resistance is made negligible by the effect of gravity on that monstrosity. If only they had a bike shop around here that sold GOOD bikes...

8:55 AM  

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