Wednesday, September 07, 2005

No I did NOT stop. Dammit!

FEMA: 2005 Hurricane Season

This is the FEMA page on Katrina. There's a link there for "Volunteer or Make a donation." Okay. Fine.


Here is where the link went to. Now, I'm all for helping these poor guys out, but I find it extremely pathetic that the link to the Red Fucking Cross is TWO MORE SCREENS down! Bush/Clinton are right on top.

Self-aggrandizing.... !!!

okay... breathe... one...two...three...

It's a government website. Both of them. And look who the President is. Easy there, sport. It's okay... people are only giving money to beaurocrats and money managers... less of it is going to the victims... it's okay...

NO IT IS FUCKING NOT! *gag* *mmph!*

We are sorry for the latest outburst. Rest assured, the offending individual has been properly taken care of. Please go on with your normal lives.


Bangor Mental Health Institute Staff


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