Thursday, October 20, 2005

The majority rules.

Saddam villain to some, hero to others - Highlights -

Here are the facts, as I have seen them:

1. The Sunnis (a majority of them, anyway) reject the new Iraqi constitution (although the vote count isn't official yet).
2. The Sunnis (a large number of them, anyway, base off of the above article) support Hussein.

There is more going on here than just trying a war criminal and/or creating a new democracy. These Sunnis we're talking about aren't foreign, nor are they insurgents. They're Iraqis. And yet, it seems to me that the Sunnis are the two-time losers in this campaign in Iraq. Something is not quite right here. I don't believe it is engineered to be this way, but this is a serious situation that needs to be addressed. We're setting things up for a great fall; and with each passing day as I read these things, I hope--not believe--that President Bush knows what he's doing.


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