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Palestinian: Bush said God guided him on war - Conflict in Iraq - MSNBC.com
The jist: A Palestinian leader is quoted as saying he heard Bush say that God told him to go to war on Iraq and Afghanistan, and to push for a Palesitinian state. The Palestinian leader inferred that nobody believed that Bush was actually hearing voices. Excerpt:
The White House claimed that "he's never made such comments," and that the remarks made by Shaath were "absurd."
So what? So what if God is leading President Bush by the nose, telling him to do this and that in the world?
Okay, so it does make him out to be a nut bar. But still. If the above comments allegedly made by the president were solely allegorical, I would stand by it. But then, I guess people would start seeing Bush as a religious nut, not just your run-of-the-mill sociopath. But, I mean, c'mon, Mr. President. You're in your last term! Who gives a fuck!? What are the voters gonna do? Not vote you in next term? Be crazy. Let it all hang out (err...no, not literally).
Or maybe some people will see it as grounds to have you removed from office...a crazy person in the presidency? Wonder if people will charge that it's grounds for being incapacitated. Think about it: someone just about through the looking glass with their finger on the button. Eeeek.
So even if the alleged statements were nothing more than a figure-of-speech, people would still use it against Bush. This is politics after all.
I still think stabilizing the Middle East and toppling tyrants is noble in thought, at least.
UPDATE: 3/22/06. Heh, I just found out I only saved this as a draft and never posted it. Duh. Anyway, just above there I stated there'd be people trying to remove Bush from office? Well, this isn't quite it, but there has been talk of censure and even some talk of IMPEACHMENT.
The jist: A Palestinian leader is quoted as saying he heard Bush say that God told him to go to war on Iraq and Afghanistan, and to push for a Palesitinian state. The Palestinian leader inferred that nobody believed that Bush was actually hearing voices. Excerpt:
Shaath said he stood by his recollection of Bush saying he had been “driven with a mission from God” when he sent U.S. troops into Iraq and Afghanistan and also lent his support to the eventual creation of a Palestinian state.
But Shaath told Reuters on Friday, “We never thought that he literally had God speaking to him.”
In advance excerpts from the television series “Elusive Peace: Israel and the Arabs” to be broadcast this month, Shaath says: “President Bush said to all of us: ’I’m driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, ’George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan’.
“And I did, and then God would tell me, ’George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq.’ And I did.
“And now, again, I feel God’s words coming to me, ’Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East’. And by God I’m gonna do it’,” Shaath quotes him as saying.
The White House claimed that "he's never made such comments," and that the remarks made by Shaath were "absurd."
So what? So what if God is leading President Bush by the nose, telling him to do this and that in the world?
Okay, so it does make him out to be a nut bar. But still. If the above comments allegedly made by the president were solely allegorical, I would stand by it. But then, I guess people would start seeing Bush as a religious nut, not just your run-of-the-mill sociopath. But, I mean, c'mon, Mr. President. You're in your last term! Who gives a fuck!? What are the voters gonna do? Not vote you in next term? Be crazy. Let it all hang out (err...no, not literally).
Or maybe some people will see it as grounds to have you removed from office...a crazy person in the presidency? Wonder if people will charge that it's grounds for being incapacitated. Think about it: someone just about through the looking glass with their finger on the button. Eeeek.
So even if the alleged statements were nothing more than a figure-of-speech, people would still use it against Bush. This is politics after all.
I still think stabilizing the Middle East and toppling tyrants is noble in thought, at least.
UPDATE: 3/22/06. Heh, I just found out I only saved this as a draft and never posted it. Duh. Anyway, just above there I stated there'd be people trying to remove Bush from office? Well, this isn't quite it, but there has been talk of censure and even some talk of IMPEACHMENT.
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