Friday, December 09, 2005

People who can't (or don't want to) think.

The Dresden Dolls - Hatemail

Now, I haven't listened to a lot of Dresden Dolls's stuff, but this hatemail they got really bugged me. Here is the relevant quote from Dresden Dolls' "hatemail" archives:

"hello. i have just read the lyrics to your song 'bad habit'. i would just like to ask you how you can justify writing a song that glorifies self harm like this? do you have any idea how many impressionable children your music will have an impact on? yes, you want to be responsible for a load of CHILDREN getting into the vicious cycle of self harm because of a song that YOU wrote? lyrics like 'when i open a familiar scar, pain goes shooting like a star, comfort hasn't failed to follow so far...' [emphasis added by me] tell kids that if they want comfort they should cut themselves, how can you tell kids that?!? i can't express how fucking disgusted i am that you think this is a good song to put out there when people look to music to help them. i know that after saying all this, you probably won't reply but i would really like to know how you can sleep at night."

Uhm, hello!? This may (and probably does) NOT mean "go and cut yourself, physically." Like a lot of art (art? whazzat!?), this is allegorical. I understand the meaning (as it means to me) loud and clear. Never heard of the expression, "opening old wounds?" As in, bringing up past pains and emotional turmoil? This is an angsty band, full of emotional turmoil. Geez, fella, get out of that little box you call "your life" and take a look around for a change, before you start judging people. I can't express how fucking disgusted i am that you think this is a good idea to print shit like this when people look to music to help them.

Of course, the ultimate irony of this probably seems like me judging someone for being judgmental. As I always say, hate the deed not the doer. In times like this, I have to remind myself of that. Because there are things that I'm ignorant about as well, just like everyone else.

Except Jesus. ;-)

PS: "Coin Operated Boy" rocks! (throws another goat)


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