Tuesday, January 24, 2006

...And may you live in interesting times.

Countdown to a Showdown - Newsweek Politics - MSNBC.com

Who had thought the French would be the first to say publicly they’d use limited nuclear strikes to retaliate against terror attacks and protect access to vital natural resources?

Yup. I guess I'm not the only one who saw the significance of this.

This article goes on to list the evidence found that completely demolish Iran's credibility and believability. They say they just want the uranium for power production? Then what's up with all the bomb-making documents? I call shenanigans.

Here's something else to give you pause: ElBaradei doesn't want to jump the gun and have Iran dragged before the security council until he has finished his report and held the IAEA meeting on March 6. He's hoping that Iran will comply? But then there's this:

We keep hearing that the Iranians are ready to negotiate. As far as I can tell from my conversation with ElBaradei, there’s nothing much left to talk about. The IAEA either gets credible answers to all of its questions in the next few weeks, or it submits a damning report on March 6.

If the author of this article has been talking with ElBaradei, and this statement is accurately based on said conversation(s), then it would seem to me that ElBaradei has already made up his mind. The US is most likely to pick up on this. Hell, I--an "average Joe"--picked up on it...the braintrust in Washington should be able to. And, looking for THEIR own excuse(s), will be most likely to find and exploit it.

We are living in interesting times, folks. I don't think we've been this close to the edge since the early 60's.


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