Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Credibility; and Those feisty French.

Tehran raises threat in nuclear standoff - Mideast/N. Africa - MSNBC.com

Separately, Merkel, speaking at a news conference with President Jacques Chirac, defended the French leader’s threat last week that France might use its nuclear weapons against state-sponsored terrorism or to thwart an attack involving weapons of mass destruction — comments that drew criticism from elsewhere in Europe and from Iran.

I saw that and went, "WHOAH!" I'll bet even President Bush shit his pants when he heard that. I don't think THAT sabre's been rattled since the Cold War. Dude!

But back to my original topic: credibility. I can't see how Iran can expect the rest of the global community to honestly believe they're only enriching uranium for power production. They don't have very much credibility with (at least) the West. Members of their regime took hostages in 1980, they've all but threatened Israel...I mean, come on. Unless, of course, they're HOPING we bring Iran up to the security council so they feel JUSTIFIED to pursue their nukes. They can go, "See?? The UN made us do it!"

Which, of course, is bullshit. Nobody put a gun to the Ayatollah's head and said, "build nukes." Iran is pulling a bin Laden. What I mean by that is, they're justifying their actions because we (the West) won't play by THEIR rules. Wah, wah, wah.

The fact of the matter is, if THEY don't play by OUR rules, it's going to end badly for everyone. Oh wait, that's right... Muslims don't fear death, let alone annihilation. They'll all be martyrs. Yeah. Right. Ask the average Muslim on the street about that one, buttheads. An entire culture martyred? Uh-huh. Just how stupid do they (bin Laden and his ilk) think we are?


Blogger xanadian said...

I should also point out that even Russia and China aren't backing Iran at this current juncture. Think that should be a wake-up call? (Also note they're not saying we should march right in and forcibly stop Iran's nuke program. After the media frenzy that was--and still is--Iraq, refraining from such drastic measures is a good idea.)

1:53 PM  

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