Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A quick word...

Tell-tale parrot exposes cheating girlfriend - Peculiar Postings - MSNBC.com

First quote: "'I’m not proud of what I did but I’m sure Chris would be the first to admit we were having problems,' said Collins, a call-center worker. 'We had spoken about splitting up several times and I think it was inevitable.'"

I'm sure that justifies everything.

Another quote: "[Collins, the ex-girlfriend] added: 'I’m surprised to hear he’s got rid of that bloody bird; he spent more time talking to it than he did to me.'"

Hmmm... you think you should've probably mentioned that to him? Are you using this as an excuse for your inappropriate behavior? Should I go around to every single person who can't take responsibility for their actions and beat them in the head with a crowbar? Would that throw me in jail? Or would the judge say, "Good on ya, mate!" and I'd be given a million dollars and high accolades by people WHO FUCKING KNOW BETTER!?

Why didn't you just say you found the other guy you were boinking sexier, or had a bigger shlong, or had more money than Taylor? Be honest, for crying out loud!

They say that you can't judge a person until you've walked a mile in their shoes. Well, I've been on both sides of this fence; had made and received lame excuses. Now that I'm several years' older and wiser, I think this time I'm free to judge someone; especially when they make such transparent excuses as "it was inevitable."


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