In His image
Possible Miracle Tied to Pope John Paul II --
Foreword: It is a sad commentary on our society when you have to dig for news like this on generally non-news websites; but for CNN or MSNBC, all you are generally confronted with is Iraq. Can't find this news ANYWHERE on those sites. Good News <> $, Bad News = $. Simple economics, I suppose.
I had a rather lengthy comment on this bit of news, and I wanted to use the title of this blog entry as part of my thought process; but I spent so much time trying to find a LINK for this news article (I originally found it in today's newspaper) that I forgot what I was going to say. I'm still posting something just to make people aware of what is going on.
I used the title "in His image" to remind everyone that everyone is capable of feats like this, dead or alive. In fact, feats like this, added to other unusual supernatural phenomena, could be considered empirical evidence for the argument of existence after death. Being locked solely in the physical, it's hard to conceptualize an afterlife...every time I do so (locked in the physical) I tend to spook myself. However, trying to conceptualize "eternity" in any way, shape or form tends to make my brain go "eek!" And a fear of death is the body's way of ensuring survival and a continuance of a blood line (part of the whole process of natural selection). Because we have that fear doesn't nullify the possibility of there being more than the physical.
Here we have a man who, after his death, can be attributed to several miracles (they're only focusing on one, according to the article). How can a person heal another from an "uncurable" disease when he's alive, let alone dead!? Could it be that this woman wished so hard to be healed that she manifested this reality for herself? Did she use John Paul II as a "catalyst" for this healing? Possible. Either way you slice it, SOMEONE manifested a miracle.
I believe it is for that reason I titled this article as I did. We are all made in His image: eternal, powerful. What a gift to be given. We should put it to good use.
Foreword: It is a sad commentary on our society when you have to dig for news like this on generally non-news websites; but for CNN or MSNBC, all you are generally confronted with is Iraq. Can't find this news ANYWHERE on those sites. Good News <> $, Bad News = $. Simple economics, I suppose.
I had a rather lengthy comment on this bit of news, and I wanted to use the title of this blog entry as part of my thought process; but I spent so much time trying to find a LINK for this news article (I originally found it in today's newspaper) that I forgot what I was going to say. I'm still posting something just to make people aware of what is going on.
I used the title "in His image" to remind everyone that everyone is capable of feats like this, dead or alive. In fact, feats like this, added to other unusual supernatural phenomena, could be considered empirical evidence for the argument of existence after death. Being locked solely in the physical, it's hard to conceptualize an afterlife...every time I do so (locked in the physical) I tend to spook myself. However, trying to conceptualize "eternity" in any way, shape or form tends to make my brain go "eek!" And a fear of death is the body's way of ensuring survival and a continuance of a blood line (part of the whole process of natural selection). Because we have that fear doesn't nullify the possibility of there being more than the physical.
Here we have a man who, after his death, can be attributed to several miracles (they're only focusing on one, according to the article). How can a person heal another from an "uncurable" disease when he's alive, let alone dead!? Could it be that this woman wished so hard to be healed that she manifested this reality for herself? Did she use John Paul II as a "catalyst" for this healing? Possible. Either way you slice it, SOMEONE manifested a miracle.
I believe it is for that reason I titled this article as I did. We are all made in His image: eternal, powerful. What a gift to be given. We should put it to good use.
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