Saturday, March 11, 2006

Opportunity only for the few

Some high schools pricier than Harvard - Education -

Essentially, only families that are loaded with dough have the opportunity to give their children the best education. These kids could all be morons, but they can still get into Harvard when they graduate these elite high schools; while possible geniuses in inner-city public schools will more than likely be steered into such activities as gang violence and drug use, all because there's no adequate support system.

We, the United States, make our poor and our criminals; and we punish them for being products of their environment. Whoever called this place the land of opportunity was on crack. Opportunity, yes, but only for the few.

Addendum: This may still be a bit of an elitist approach, but when I rule the world, I'll make it so that all preschoolers are given an IQ test. Those that score high enough get AT LEAST tuition assistance (if not a free ticket) to some of the best schools in the world. Maybe not THE absolute best, but better than chucking them into some inner-city dump and telling them, "good luck!" This way, at least those with the BEST chance of truly becoming someone get that chance. How much farther along could we be in space technology, the search for the cure for cancer, etc, if that one person who would otherwise have been fated for such discoveries hadn't been put into a poor school system and driven to drugs and crime? How many of the people in prison now, if given the chance to bloom as children, could have been great leaders of our time?

I guess we'll never know. As long as those with the money want to ensure those that don't will never get the same opportunities, our crime rate will still be high, our prisons will still be full, and eventually we will fall behind the rest of the world in technology and medicine until we are no longer a superpower. But, hey, live for the now! Fuck the future.


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