Wednesday, April 05, 2006

And how is this news?

Report: Tax cuts on investment income a windfall for rich - Apr. 5, 2006

Color me not surprised.

Whatever I may have said, even in quasi-, half-assed support, about Iraq or anything else; it is this kind of thing I can use when I say that I would never vote for this man (Bush) again...not like he can run again, anyway, but you get what I mean. Why is it that Republicans seem better at (or, at least, more interested in) foreign policy than domestic policy?

Stephen Entin, president of the Institute for Research on the Economics of Taxation, a Washington organization, told the Times that the tax cuts did not go far enough because the more money the wealthiest had to invest, the more that would go to investments that produce jobs.

I'm not even going to call shenanigans on this one. This is just plain-old, straight-up, full-strength "bullshit." And we're supposed to trust in the better nature of the more powerful (and wealthy) people of America? A man by the name of Lord Acton said that "power tends to corrupt." And I believe that. I do not believe in any "better nature" when it is the basic human instinct to horde up as much of anything you can. Trickle-down economics is the biggest lie of this century.


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