Friday, April 07, 2006

Why our society sucks

The Revolution Will Not Be American

When New-Age "hoo-hah" jives with libertarian socio-political thinking, there comes a time when we need to sit up and take notice. For example...

The simple fact of the matter is that the politicians (voiced with extreme venom and malice) have the single greatest weapon against conscious revolution ever discovered and, as strong as the internet is, as widespread as the memes have been sown, as loud as the song of liberty rings and as shrilly the howls of outrage echo across the digital plain, it is not enough to overcome apathy.

There's the magic buzzword: APATHY. The killer of American freedom. Not politicians...although they use our apathy to their advantage. This goes in line with my challenge (which, as I recall, I never posted here...doh!) to Mr. Bylund regarding his disdain for the phrase, "if you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain." Bylund is right in so much that EVERYONE has the right to complain. It is our God-given right to say something sucks. However, I've always looked at that cliché from a different angle: if you don't DO SOMETHING, you have no justification to complain. People say, "the government sucks," and yet they do NOTHING about it.

Apathy. It's too hard. My voice won't make a difference. Blah, blah, blah.

There's one thing (this is going to be a horrendously politically incorrect statement, but here goes) that radical Middle-East fundamentalists, the writers at Strike The Root, and (yes) even President Bush have in common: conviction of belief. These are people who are DOING something--although most certainly in the first case, doing something horrifically wrong; and many would argue in the third case, also doing something wrong. My view is, as long as you're not intentionally harming an innocent, get off your lazy asses and DO SOMETHING!!! And people have the power to take action once they stop blaming everybody else for their woes. Remember...whenever you (as an American at least) blame the government, you are blaming yourself. Government for the people, by the people, and of the people. Period.

I can't put it any more succinctly than that.


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