Tuesday, May 09, 2006

You've got mail!


There is plenty of "doom and gloom" talk with regards to Iran; and how much of a nutjob their president appears to be. Strangely enough, a lot of what I've (so far) read of Ahmadinejad's letter makes a lot of sense. However, here in this letter, with his very words, he starts to contradict himself. For example:

"Why is it that any technological and scientific achievement reached in the Middle East regions is translated into and portrayed as a threat to the Zionist regime? Is not scientific R&D one of the basic rights of nations."

Why is it portrayed as a threat? Because you have explicitly stated that Israel should be wiped off the map. Hence, why NOT JUST the United States but the vast majority of industrialized nations against Iran's pursuit of nuclear technology?


Ahmadinejad mentions something rather disturbing later on...it has to do with 9/11.

"Reportedly your government employs extensive security, protection and intelligence systems--and even hints its opponents abroad. September eleven was not a simple operation. Could it be planned and executed without coordination with intelligence and security services--or their extensive infiltration?"

One way this can be interpreted: that al Qaeda has managed to infiltrate the FBI, CIA, etc. This makes some sense. My father (who worked on the border) reported that intelligence agencies in Canada tried to warn the FBI of an imminent attack back before 9/11, but the FBI ignored it. What if al Qaeda has agents in our government?

Holy crap!

Take a look at the faces of some of the 19 hijackers--would you assume these people could EVER be semitic in origin, let alone terrorists? A couple of them look like they could've been Sears catalog models or something. Others do look like they could be Arabic in origin (yes, this is profiling) and MAYBE terrorists...but then there are also terrorists who are not affiliated with al Qaeda at all (i.e.: Oklahoma City).

The other way this can be interpreted is that President Bush pulled a Pearl Harbor. Some theorize that the US knew Japan was planning to attack Pearl Harbor, and let them do so, so that the US could enter the war in the Pacific theater (justification). What if the same can be said for 9/11?

The rest of Ahmadinejad's letter could be pretty much his own take on what the media has been stating for quite some time now: why are we in Iraq, who lied about WMDs in Iraq, etc. And the issue of Israel is also discussed, as well as a lot of religious rhetoric (a lot valid; other parts less valid, depending on what you believe I suppose).

MSNBC reported that an Iranian diplomat said this could be a means to open a valuable dialogue...but Secretary of State Rice, for all intents and purposes, dismissed it.

Finally: "History tells us that repressive and cruel governments do not survive." What this means is this: the proof is in the pudding. If it is the US that is in the wrong, it will be known in time (as it was known with Iraq's WMDs). If, on the other hand, Iran is trying to pull the wool over the global community's eyes...well, I know the French have an itchy trigger finger, poised over their Big Red Button.


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