Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Oink Oink

TPMmuckraker August 30, 2006 01:59 PM

For anyone who cares about government spending, the above link will take you to a site detailing a small drama of sorts that has taken place in the Senate. A couple Senators (Obama, Coburn) proposed a bill that would put money towards a Google-like search engine that the public could access and find information on government spending--what money went where.

Well, a short while ago, a Senator put a "secret hold" on the bill, preventing it from reaching the floor. A source inside Sen. Stevens' office (who leaked the info on the condition of anonymity) said the hold came from that office.

Anything else regarding this bit of news is less relevant to the hold issue (the link, and a link leading off of it, question Sen. Stevens' involvement in other pork schemes).

I should note that ANYONE can RIGHT NOW find information on government spending, thanks to the Freedom of Information Act (or should be able to, anyway). This bill would simply make finding this information easier. Stopping this bill does not trample on a citizen's rights...but it does make you question the motives of those involved. Why would anyone want to ensure that finding FOIA information on government spending remains difficult?


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