Thursday, August 18, 2005

Adultery cards and the statistics.

When you care enough to risk everything ... - U.S. News -

My favorite line in this article is: "Secret Lover claims on its Web site that its research shows that 60 percent of American men and 40 percent of women 'are involved in or have been involved in an affair.'"

Okay, boys and girls; math time. If sixty percent of males are having (or have had) sex outside of a relationship; and forty percent of women have done same, doesn't it stand to reason that there are 20% more men having sex outside of their relationships than women? Who are these 20% of men having sex with?

The coat rack??

I don't think so.

Okay, okay. The math is a bit faulty. But when you consider that the number of men in America is almost equal to the number of women, and if you're considering that the number of adults (18 and up) count around 150 million, you're STILL talking about fifteen million men (approximately) that are having sex (or have had sex) with ... whom?

Personally, I'm more inclined to think that the "research" is a wee bit off (quote from article: "But public opinion experts caution that respondents have a strong incentive to lie, so Gallagher’s numbers could well be close to the truth."). But it still makes you stop and think.


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