Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Evade the Settled Thought: The Dr. Laura epsidoe... or Why I Love the West Wing

Evade the Settled Thought: The Dr. Laura epsidoe... or Why I Love the West Wing

And why I also love the West Wing. God, that show is awesome. And this excerpt brings up a marvellous point, one I'm sure I've ranted about in the not-so-distant past: who are we, as humans, to limit what God thinks is right or wrong? Got told His people this stuff "in the day" because the Hebrews were supposed to be a nation apart; and He even specifically mentioned in Leviticus 18 that He wanted the Hebrews to obey these laws so they were NOT like the other nations they were driving out.

Well, it's now about three or four thousand years later, and situations change. Should we stop listening to what God may be saying now and instead go back to something that worked just fine millennia ago? Shall we cast out the homosexuals, sell our daughters, kill people who work on the Sabbath, etc?

Speaking of working on the Sabbath...maybe that's why the Jewish leadership wanted Jesus nailed to a cross. Luke 13:14-16. Luke 14:4-6. Even Jesus understood that things change, and not everything needs to be treated literally. I can't understand why we humans have the audacity to limit God and think that He is constrained by what was written so many years ago.


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