Sunday, October 09, 2005

Can't do it sober...

I play World of Warcraft. If you've never heard of it before, then I have to ask, "What rock have you been hiding under?" No, but seriously. It's a kick-ass online RPG game. They have this thing called "PvP", which stands for "Player versus Player." You fight other players.

I've found that if I'm completely sober, I'm all stressed out, can't find my "hotkeys" (keyboard shortcuts that make your character do things to kill your opponent), and suck in general. After about 4-6 shots of Jack Daniels, I'm calm and completely whoopin' ass.

I have a cousin who cannot drive sober. He swerves, his reaction time sucks. Got into accidents that way. After 2 beers, though, he's perfectly fine. I don't advocate drinking and driving...but don't you find that kind of odd?

Anyway, just thought I'd share that with you.



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