Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Bad moon rising

The New Yorker: Fact

Say what you will about the Bush administration. Say that nuking Iran is beyond insanity. I agree. But, I also have to agree with the following:

The Pentagon adviser on the war on terror said that “allowing Iran to have the bomb is not on the table. We cannot have nukes being sent downstream to a terror network. It’s just too dangerous.”

No shit.

These are the cold, hard facts. We can either concede the nuclear reality to Iran and just back off (in which case you'll see nukes in New York in, perhaps, 10 years, by way of al Qaeda); or, we can bomb Iran back to the stone age. Either way you look at it, there will be nukes dropping in about 10 years ("Robert Gallucci, a former government expert on nonproliferation who is now the dean of the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown, told me, 'Based on what I know, Iran could be eight to ten years away' from developing a deliverable nuclear weapon.").


Got Jesus?


Joseph’s heavy-handedness was unnecessary, the diplomat said, since the I.A.E.A. already had been inclined to take a hard stand against Iran. “All of the inspectors are angry at being misled by the Iranians, and some think the Iranian leadership are nutcases—one hundred per cent totally certified nuts,” the diplomat said. He added that ElBaradei’s overriding concern is that the Iranian leaders “want confrontation, just like the neocons on the other side”—in Washington.

You think?? Why else would Iran BOAST about their successful nuclear endeavors? They're thumbing our noses at us, DARING us to make a move! They WANT to be the national martyr of the Muslim world. They WANT to "prove" to all Muslims that the U.S. is the "great Satan."

Tell me something new.

Iran wants us to attack, to justify their so-far undisclosed weapons program. I personally wonder if they might already have nukes. Why else take such a provocative stance? ... other than to just inflame more of the Muslim world, I suppose. And the U.S. "neo-cons" (as the term has been coined) seem to WANT to attack, as well. Hell, let's make both sides happy, right?


This is not going to end well.


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