Friday, May 19, 2006

Why I could only readily find this on, I don't know.

United Press International - Intl. Intelligence - Iran may force badges on Jews, Christians

This is something that should be in BIG, BOLD LETTERS on the splash page. This isn't a joke! If anyone else were to see the following in print: "...force badges on Jews..." they'd be thinking they were reading a newspaper from the 1930's.

This is unacceptable! Iranian leadership wants to mark Jews and Christians...they're pursuing nuclear technology...and Russia and China don't want to do ANYTHING about it (China has a major vested interest in Iranian oil, by the way). The sad thing about this law the Iranian parliament passed--to badge non-Muslims--is based off of sharia law. Sharia law is traditional Muslim law. This is what the fundamentalist Muslims want when they plot the destruction of the US.

Fundamentalist Muslims ARE THE NEXT NAZIS. Period. And it would seem Ahmadinejan is the next Hitler.

Only a brain-dead idiot in denial could not see the disturbing and palpable parallel. I think the time is nigh for us to "wipe Iran off the map," before it's too late for the rest of us.

UPDATE: On, you won't find a story about this asinine Iranian law, but you WILL find this VERY IMPORTANT bit of information that could very well rewrite history: No red-blooded American cannot live without hearing how Britney Spears stumbled while carrying her kid.

How the hell can anyone by any stretch of the imagination call this 'news' and still keep a straight face??? I'm so pissed right now I could spit. Puh-tooey!

PS: This is the other place I've been able to find this story: This isn't the Sun or National Enquirer or some cheesy tabloid site claiming aliens are mind-controlling President Bush (although that would make for an interesting argument), but CANADA.COM. Not, nor,, or You can't find it ANYWHERE on a US news site (right now).

Maybe it has something to do with this: Apparently, this isn't a NEW law as is being told by and UPI; but a 2-year old law to prevent believing Muslims from becoming "unclean" from shaking hands with an "infidel." This link (from again) states this color-coding stems from a wider law dealing with standardizing Islamic garments worn in Iran.

So, is this all true? acknowledges a law being drafted in 2004 but blocked by the Majlis. Both articles, plus the UPI article, say this NEW law was passed Monday. A person left a comment on, saying he called his relatives in Iran about this, and his relatives said they heard nothing about this new law.

That's not surprising. How many laws get passed in the US that we "average Joes" know nothing about?"

Here's another site that has this news story. But I've noticed that not one word is mentioned about this law at Iran Daily or Al-Jazeera. Hmm.


Blogger xanadian said...

I've been reading through my posts. Man, I need to get laid or something. Angry, angry, angry. I'm surprised I haven't started yelling at kids to get off my damn lawn. I must have irritable male syndrome.

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anger can be quite justified. In this case, though, you may need to become more critical of what you read on the net. And I'm not saying you shouldn't get laid or anything - just remember to be safe...

6:10 AM  

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