Friday, May 12, 2006

Why sometimes people use hate tactics

Crusading veggies steamroll university into web censorship | The Register

I read the following...

Charlton says the suspension of IT services is a big blow to Lloyd, who pursued his interest in the field on a low income, and a “malicious, frivolous” attack should have been resisted by authorities. He added that it is an “ominous” sign that people with “hurt feelings” can bring about a crisis meeting in the upper echelons of management.

He also pointed out that the action sets a worrying precedent for the institution; people can take offence at anything, so the regulations offer no protection to anything on the site.

...and the first thought I had was to try to come up with something so offending it would make the devil blush.


Because I, like a lot of people (the majority, I'm sure), am sick and tired of having our rights trampled on by a whiny minority that doesn't like to get its feelings hurt.

Tough cheese.

In this instance, the person who suffered at the wrath of the veggie mongers was solely trying to exercise 'teh funnay.' Only a brain-dead herbivore could've assumed that any statement ending in "this goes to prove amongst other things that men really will do ANYTHING for sex" would think that this guy wasn't doing his article for comedic and/or ironic purposes.

And people wonder why we need high-blood pressure and anti-anxiety medications. These morons are too uptight about ... well, everything. And so, "natural selection" will ensure these hypersensitive people die from heart attacks and/or other stress-related illnesses.

All because someone couldn't take a joke.

This is one reason why people end up using "hate tactics," I'm sure. They KNOW they can get a rise out of these sensitive types, and they get a big thrill out of watching (or imagining) their faces contort into expressions resembling someone trying to take a shit. These sensitive types,when they were kids, apparently never listened to their elders when they said to IGNORE the bullies. But...if they want to lead a stress-filled life, more power to them.


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