Tuesday, April 10, 2007

If it walks like a duck...

I have no idea how or why I stumbled across it, but it let me on an interesting adventure so far. For some completely illogical reason (other than, maybe, I want 'prosperity' without putting effort into it, like a good-ole-fashioned lazy American should want), I ended up looking for this book.

PS: No blue feathers in, on, or near the book; however, there is a RED feather on the back...which meant SOMETHING, but I forget what now. But I digress.

So, I bought the book for, like, $4.50 (plus $5 for shipping and handling, expedited). It finally arrived yesterday afternoon, and I followed the instructions and lessons therein.

Just this morning, not even 24 hours after I received the book, and did the first few exercises (which, by the way, aren't TOTALLY effortless, but RELATIVELY effortless...just to clear that up), one of my coworkers commented that there was something very different about me.

The first thing that came to my mind was, "Say what!?" I'm just as scruffy as usual...my hair is still long and graying...I was wearing the same clothes I always wear (uh, I do change my clothes day to day, wise guy(s)...I mean, the same KIND of clothes)...so what in the world COULD be so different about me?

I don't know about you, but after this happened, then some other "Donnie Darko" synchronicity I never posted on my blog, and now this, I'm taking a bit of a new approach to things. The timing of all this stuff is ... beyond coincidence. What's really odd is how all the things I learned in Christianity tie into what I learned from Eckankar, that tie into Huna, that tie into this stuff in Bijan's book, that tie into everything else. It's almost a perfect web, leaving me to wonder what it all means.

I looked at this website after getting the book yesterday, and noted first off its extraneous use of Flash (being a bit of a hack webmaster, I can get a little picky about web usability). Then I wondered how much money-grubbing horse manure Bijan's stuff is compared to every other self-help manual. Well, like the old cliche goes, if it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck...

So far, I don't think this stuff amounts to just 'quackery.'


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