Saturday, March 19, 2005

I really need to stop reading

The link here leads to an article about a brain-damaged woman who had her feeding tube removed so she can starve to death.

So now comes the Word of the Week, and there are two of them, actually: disgusted and hypocrisy. What the hell were these people thinking? It's okay to remove a feeding tube from a vegetative patient so they die ... well, horribly; but GOD FORBID you try to give someone a peaceful death (i.e. euthanize), and you go to jail for MURDER!

Now, just like I had to do in elementary school, I am going to use the Words of the Week in a sentence: I am DISGUSTED at the HYPOCRISY of our nation's lawmakers--and sometimes people in general. Really, there aren't words to describe my outrage at such stupidity. What the hell were these people ... oh, wait. I already said that. If they REALLY want this woman to die, then get Kevorkian out of prison and fucking PUT HIM TO WORK! It's ten times better than starving the person to death! What the HELL were these people thinking!?

Rrrrghh!!! (punches wall)

Word of advice: If you don't have a living will, GET ONE NOW! If I were in a persistent vegetative state, I'd rather be euthanized than starved to death. But then again, I wouldn't want to be party to someone committing murder...


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