Reprehensible! (A coverup for a cause of Autism? - Scarborough Country -
A coverup for a cause of Autism? - Scarborough Country -
Reprehensible. These shots are mandatory in the State of Maine; otherwise you can't put your kids in public school. So, you run a 1 in 166 chance of giving your child a mentally disabling disease (autism); or you keep him out of school. If you're RICH, this isn't a problem--send your kid to a private school. If you're not, either risk giving your kid autism or else.
Insert "X-Files" theme song here. I'm sorry, but if this isn't a valid version of a conspiracy theory put into practice, I don't know what is. When I saw this article, I felt like throwing up. Now I feel nothing short of rage.
Anyone who sees this article and lives in a state of "give your child shots or no school" laws, write your state representative or even your governor and give them a piece of your mind. This is our kids we're talking about!
Coincidentally, I went to the CDC's website, and read their FAQ on thimerosal. Here is what it said (for question #5):
No evidence of harm, huh?
Reprehensible. These shots are mandatory in the State of Maine; otherwise you can't put your kids in public school. So, you run a 1 in 166 chance of giving your child a mentally disabling disease (autism); or you keep him out of school. If you're RICH, this isn't a problem--send your kid to a private school. If you're not, either risk giving your kid autism or else.
Insert "X-Files" theme song here. I'm sorry, but if this isn't a valid version of a conspiracy theory put into practice, I don't know what is. When I saw this article, I felt like throwing up. Now I feel nothing short of rage.
Anyone who sees this article and lives in a state of "give your child shots or no school" laws, write your state representative or even your governor and give them a piece of your mind. This is our kids we're talking about!
Coincidentally, I went to the CDC's website, and read their FAQ on thimerosal. Here is what it said (for question #5):
5. I’ve heard that children may be getting toxic levels of mercury from vaccines. Is that true?
No. There is no evidence of harm caused by the minute doses of thimerosal in vaccines, except for minor effects like swelling and redness at the injection site due to sensitivity to thimerosal.
Most importantly, since 1999, newly formulated thimerosal preservative-free vaccines have been licensed. With the newly formulated vaccines, the maximum cumulative exposure during the first six months of life will now be less than three micrograms of mercury. No children are receiving toxic levels of mercury from vaccines.
No evidence of harm, huh?
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