Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Meet the Minister Who Says He Is Jesus Christ - Newsweek Beliefs - MSNBC.com (sorry, goes to page 2)

All members of Growing in Grace are expected to tithe—which, along with offerings, yielded $1.4 million for headquarters last year. One of the first orders of business at every service is the collection of money (credit cards accepted)....Such funds help underwrite a lavish lifestyle for de Jesus, including diamond-encrusted gold rings and fancy cars.

First of all, I'm no big fan of the tax man, but here's an operation that needs a visit from the IRS, religious exemption be damned. I guess, like the real Jesus once said (paraphrased), by a man's fruits so shall he be known.

Second of all, I'm NOT going to rant about how stupid these people must be to follow this man's "ministry." I've been doing some reading, and have come to the conclusion that it's quite easy to brainwash even a rocket scientist. Once again, like the real Jesus once said (paraphrased): judge not, because you too will be judged by the same measure.

Finally, I'd like to state I'm starting my own religion. Hell, why not? Everyone else is doing it. ...Or, they're running for President in 2008. But in all seriousness (albeit a little tongue-in-cheek), if I were, I'd refrain from the 'brainwashing' that comes from initiation into cults (and, arguably, in all religions or any form of ideological doctrine). Anyone who has read this blog should know that I am in search of Truth ... although, nobody will ever have the exact same Truth as others (read the book I linked to above). But to be able to intersect my own reality-tunnel with others would allow me to learn things that will help further my quest for truly knowing--as best as I can, anyway--God. And it would do the same for others, who are willing to open their minds and come to the conclusion that they, in fact, do NOT know it all; and may very well be wrong, as I may very well be wrong, also.

...By the same measure...

I believe the human mind capable of incredible feats. I'm not so sure about such paranormal events as telekinesis, clairvoyance, etc; but I do believe we can affect our bodies and our environment, at least to some degree. I also believe that the only way we can continue to grow is through the exchange of ideas amongst people with the same (or similar) goals.

I also know that growth is change, and people are resistant to change.

I also know that if you don't grow, you stagnate, and die. We are all set up to die eventually, anyways...but I mean 'die' in a more metaphysical sense. Imagine if you will if all the knowledge and information that is racing around the internet right now (and/or through whatever other medium you wish to use, be it print, electromagnetic (TV, radio), etc) came to a screeching halt, what that would do to the future of humanity? This is the death I speak of. The death of discovery, the death of society, the death of an ever-expanding freedom.

I also know that we are comfortable with the status-quo. The present is fixed, and the past is known. We don't know what the future holds, and we fear that whatever 'growth' or 'change' may occur would result in our untimely demise. Imagine if all the pioneers of our day had thought that way.

I've made my point. I also don't think anyone can honestly 'found' a 'religion' based off of these tenets, because religion tends to force people into a particular dogma and restrict 'growth'...that is, 'new' ideas are considered heresy because they do not match up with ancient texts written by God-inspired men (but men nonetheless) centuries ago.

Or, in some cases, a mere few years ago. But the dogma is still created.

Eh. Now I'm rambling.

Gapiana, and the Random Thought of the Day


According to various sniglets sites, the "gapiana" is the 'unclaimed' strip of land between the "You Are Now Leaving" and "Welcome To" signs when crossing state lines.

Which got me to thinking...

As an example, let's look at the state line between Maine and New Hampshire. On one side of the line is Maine; and it can be said that the land on this side of the line belongs to the State of Maine. The same logic prevails for the land on the New Hampshire side: the land belongs to New Hampshire.

Who owns the line?

Monday, January 29, 2007

Six-word Story, or, I (Sometimes) Like Mysteries

FARK.com: (2569479) Sword-wielding teen killed by police after he kills his mother; local high school yearbook committee says "hey, don't look at us"

I read somewhere that Hemingway was credited for writing a six-word story, and claiming it to be his best work ever. The story goes like this:

For sale: baby shoes, never worn.

Six little words can speak volumes, and encite the imagination to the drama held within.

In this Fark.com thread, there is a link to the alleged perpetrator's Myspace page. It says NOTHING about what was going on in this kid's head before the incident. All there is, are the comments from his friends, before and after the stabbing/slashing/shooting/etc. So you have to guess what was going on with this kid.

But some of the comments give hints that he was starting a downward slide into his own personal Hell.

Hey kiddo! so I want to hear whats going on. I'm so confused. you started to tell me something at lunch that day and then everybody else came over and I was hungry. So TELL ME. I keep hearing shit and I don't know whats going on. I don't like not knowing.

So do you hug random ppl often like that? It was kinda unnexpected. lol

Hello! Don't shut me out and the rest of the world cause that is NOT good for you!

A day or two later, the kid kills his mother, attacks his sister and a foreign-exchange student, and is shot and killed by police (in self-defense).

What was going on? What would have pushed this youth so far that he would, for all intents and purposes, throw his life away like this? This news article can be so easily summed up--at least, for me--in another six-word story:

For sale: graduation gown, never worn.

Monday, January 22, 2007

The First Circuit

FOXNews.com - First All-Female U.N. Peacekeeping Force to Deploy to Liberia - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

No, I'm not talking about federal court.

I've recently been reading Prometheus Rising by Robert A. Wilson. I became interested in his work (ironically and sadly enough) on the date of his death. It seemed interesting. At any rate, the very first thing he discusses in this book is the first neurological circuit of the brain, which is the "oral" security circuit, which is imprinted upon the infant. Essentially, it is the part of the brain that controls fight-or-flight and security issues, which is formed and impressed upon by the mother...hence the term "momma's boy" relating to someone who has security issues (as I recall).

I immediately thought of this interesting physiological theory when I read the following: "'Women police are seen to be much less threatening, although they can be just as tough as men. But in a conflict situation, they are more approachable and it makes women and children feel safer,' Seema Dhundia, a unit commander, said recently."

Think about that one.

Anyway, I'm only into chapter 4 of this book, and I am certainly no expert in psychology, but I just thought it an interesting observation.

Monday, January 15, 2007


They shot him. They shot him because they didn't like his message. They've shot many others, but it did little good. They shot this man, and now there are songs about him, poems about him...even a holiday named after him, which has allowed me to sit here, on a day-off from work, to write this.

They shot him; and like so many others they've shot, he has become immortal. His name is etched in everyone's minds. We all know who he is. They didn't want us to pay attention anymore to him. Yet, we all do.

They shot him to silence him. Yet his voice is louder than ever.

They shot him to make him irrelevant. They failed.