Friday, December 23, 2005

The real war on Christmas Arts & Entertainment | The real war on Christmas

After forces you to watch a commercial (gotta pay the bills, right?), you will be regaled by Wil Wheaton (who is slowly becoming my hero) and his tale about a Christmas he had...where Wil makes a point about the death penalty being wrong, and his father--once a liberal--blows up in his face. The end result of this story is, "The one waging the war [on Christmas] is right-wing talk radio and its relentless drive to polarize and divide our country, and our holiday dinners, and make a nice profit while it does."

True. But it isn't just radical right-wingers who spread a message of hate. Left-wingers can do it, too. Stalin. Mao. Castro. Probably in that order. ANYONE is capable of hate, and spreading a message of hate; whether it be hate for "fags" (as they like to refer to homosexuals, and sometimes worse), blacks (I won't even use the N word, ever), or what have you; or whether it be for America and its people, and its way of life. Hate, and irrationality, knows no political bounds. Atrocities have been commited on both sides of the fence.

That's just the way life is. Right now, anyway. But, we can always hope for the future, despite our violent history; and maybe for just one day a year...or eight, seven, or what have you...we can put aside our differences and celebrate life.

So, a Merry Christmas (NOT "Xmas"), Happy Hanukkah, Happy Ramadan and Kwanzaa to all.

If ever a person were more spot-on...

The Suburban Ecstasies: What Death Penalty Advocates Want...

Read it. It says it with more eloquence than I could ever muster even in my wildest dreams. But it says things that any TRULY rational and just person would already know.

What death penalty advocates want ... is death.

There's one thing Seth (the blogger) didn't touch upon: we Americans, in general, have a bloodlust. If we did NOT, then all those popular crime shows--and other violence on TV--wouldn't be such a big seller. Instead of CSI (which I like, sorry), or The Shield (etc) on Prime Time TV, we'd have Disney movies, or even Barney on instead.

Hmm. Barney...

Maybe violence on TV is a good thing. But I digress. You only have to look at what 80% of what's on TV to know that violence SELLS. It makes media moguls RICH. It's the Rubbernecking Phenomenon. Anytime people drive by an accident, they JUST HAVE TO crane their necks around and see if they can find any blood or body parts. It seems like a natural instinct, because I also will feel the compulsion to rubberneck. But I REFUSE to do it. Instead of gawking at other people's misery--and potentially subjecting myself to an accident on the highway, I keep my eyes on the road where they're SUPPOSED TO BE.

I wonder if Americans keep rubbernecking on the TV, drooling like dogs for the next violent scene, will we eventually head for a crash?

tee hee hee...*giggle*

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Right-wing Christian conservatives are gonna looooooove this one!

Canadian court lifts ban on "swingers" clubs - Americas -

I think the link says it all.

For the record, what's my stance on group sex? It's your own business. Would I get involved in it? Probably not. I prefer one-on-one. I see no appeal in a big orgy. Just doesn't turn me on.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Challenging truth Health - Gay rugby team, straight captain -- what gives?

One of my favorite things to say is, "Truth is one person's individual perception of reality." Therefore, it is subjective. What is true to me is bogus to you. With that in mind, I found this quote quite relevant:

I think that there's something really important about challenging people to think outside of what they believe. When I tell people I play for a gay rugby team, they may very well assume that I'm gay too, and then find out I'm not. I think it's really important that we throw that back in people's faces.

The person speaking here is the captain for a gay rugby team in Seattle, WA.

He's straight.

I often wonder what this world would be like if every single person took the time to step out of their little worlds and actually learn something about life.

I'm also reminded of an old Native American saying we have written on a piece of art hanging from a wall here: "Great Spirit, help me to never judge another until I have walked in his moccasins two weeks."

We all are, after all, threads in God's Great Tapestry of life.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

There's more to this than just wanton violence.

Teens arrested for plotting deadly school attack - Crime & Punishment -

The key to why these teens were plotting this attack can probably be found in this one quote:

The boys told investigators that they planned to kill Quartz Hill students who had made fun of them, using guns and homemade explosives, then commit suicide, Brown said.

I remember when I was a kid (much younger than 15), teasing and bullying were quite common; and it was also quite common for teachers to turn a blind eye. I expect that's the same thing that happened here. To point solely at these kids and say, "they're the bad guys," is foolishness. I point MY finger at the teachers, the principal, and the kids' parents. What if these people had bothered to intervene?

Instead, now these kids, SUPPOSEDLY "our future," are full of hatred and self-loathing.

Good job, Mr. US Education System.

I think that if the justice department(s) started charging teachers and parents for neglect, etc, in conjunction with charging violent teens, you can bet your ass you'll see teachers and parents get off their lazy asses and DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS!!!


Friday, December 16, 2005

Another one bites the dooce

Diary of a Flight Attendant ;-)

It seems like people are getting dooced left and right these days. This link goes to the blog of a flight attendant who was fired for blogging, who writes a post about ANOTHER attendant being fired for making movies about her industry. WTF!?

Something needs to be done about this.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

So why are they doing it?

Vote: Should the controversial provisions of the Patriot Act be renewed? - U.S. Security -

This poll shows an overwhelming majority of people are opposed to certain provisions in the PATRIOT Act. The $64 question, then, is "why the hell are they passing this legislation?" Do they really think they "know better" than Average Joe American? Apparently, the government under "Big Brother" "knew better," too.

These idiots need to be voted out. NOW!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Barnes & - Voyage to Xanadu: Book One - Andrew Magnus - Paperback

My book (see link) has been selling, apparently, on And, according to the website...well, here it is:

People who bought this book also bought:
Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury
1984 George Orwell, Erich Fromm (Afterword)
A Wizard of Earthsea (Earthsea Series #1) Ursula K. Le Guin, Ruth Robbins (Illustrator)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Hitchhiker's Guide Series #1) Douglas Adams
Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Matthew Stover

Hmm. Interesting selection of books. Two dealing with corruption of governments, and three sci-fi/fantasy books. Hmm. Personally, I feel a bit honored to have such esteemed names as Ray Bradbury, George Orwell and Douglas Adams listed on the same page as my book. That's pretty cool.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Food for thought

Hating America key to Nobel prize - Scarborough Country -

I oftentimes will bash Bush on various things; either here or with my friends and family. However, in all fairness, I felt putting this here should help balance my writings. Joe Scarborough quotes real figures, and compares these realities to the focus that people and the media seem to be bent on.

Truly, there is something peculiar about this.

We often bash Bush on his general smarmy attitude, his imperialistic approach to diplomacy, and so forth. But we fail to realize that everything he has done, has been--in his heart--for the best interest of Americans and the concepts of democracy. He's our fucking President, after all. Not President of Iraq, or President of Europe. So, of course he's going to take an imperial bent on world affairs.

And if all these numbers are true (4.5 million new jobs, double-digit increases in consumer confidence, one of the lowest unemployment rates in 30 years), then, like Jesus said (paraphrased), by a man's fruits, so shall he be known.

I still don't like Bush, but I think he has more marbles in his head than most people give him credit for. History will either condemn or vindicate him. Only time will tell.

This is so wrong. (POST #200!)


How a killer Claus holding a bloody head relates to the overcommercialism of Christmas is beyond my apparently unenlightened understanding. Santa Claus, in no way (well...maybe nowadays) represents commercialism. He represents the spirit of giving. It is commercial interests that have exploited his image for its own gains.

Nevermind the fact that this kind of public display is just disgusting; but if they want to more accurately portray how commercialism somehow kills people (which I'm having a hard time figuring out how it does right now), then these nutjobs should, instead, have an effigy of some high-powered corporate executive, wrapped in Christmas lights, holding a bloody head. It would, at least, be more accurate.

But still disturbing.

However, the First Amendment still protects these people's right to this kind of statement. Some may say, "too bad," but it's that kind of thinking that will lead to our eventual downfall and political enslavement (think 1984). The worst that this effigy will do is twist some children's minds (which is not good either).

Personally, though, these people need to rethink what they're doing. There are other, more productive ways to protest the overcommercialization of Christmas.

(Note I don't say "X-mas". CHRISTmas. It's a Christian holiday. I don't care if it's becoming "politically incorrect" to solely refer to Christmas as "the holiday season," as I'm beginning to see more and more. Let's try to remember where all things come from; just as Hannukah and Ramadan shouldn't also be lumped into the category of "holiday season," and stripped of its own titles.)

PS: This is POST NUMBER 200! I didn't even realize until today (1 week after the post date) that I had passed the 200 mark. Celebrate! Par-tay!!

Right versus correct

Convicted killer Williams put to death in Calif. - Crime & Punishment -

So, at 12:35 AM PST, "Tookie" Williams was finally put to death ...

... and then a miracle happened! In contrast to the old saying, Albert Owens was just seen crawling out of his grave and walking to the nearest 7-11 to buy a Big Gulp and a hot dog! And the Yangs were spotted shopping at the local supermarket only minutes after the execution! And, oh my goodnes, Ye-Chen Lin was found dancing at a local night club, still in burial clothes!

It's true! It really DOES bring the dead back to life!


ha ha ha ha.

But seriously. I do not mean to belittle what happened to those four poor souls in 1981; but the fact of the matter is, killing Williams will not and did not bring those four people back to life. So, what's the point?

There can be only one logical answer: closure for the families of the victims. It is NOT justice: it is nothing more than legalized revenge. But it still creates closure...and considering Williams' assistance in his own execution, I begin to wonder if he was eager to end it all due to some hidden guilt for REALLY having committed those murders some 24 years ago. It is an interesting thought.

Regardless, the execution of Tookie brings up the differences between what is "right" and what is "correct;" because there is a difference. Gov. Schwarzenegger's final decision to deny clemency, in my opinion, was technically "correct." That is, there was more than enough evidence (let's ignore the fact that the defense team supposedly found a witness that could have exonerated Williams) against Williams, and other arguments to support that Williams was not only guilty, but not truly remorseful for those crimes. To top that off, even if Williams was (God forbid) innocent, to stay the execution would continue to use taxpayers' dollars and not give the families of the victims closure (which, in my mind, is the only excuse for the death penalty). So, it was convenient as well, and therefore "technically correct."

It was, however, not right. If people think humans should stop playing God, then they should do so in every arena; from stem cell research to the death penalty. The whole spectrum. But, I guess, that makes "right" and "wrong" a matter of black-and-white (a typical human assertion). However, every time I think of the entire concept of the death penalty, I'm always reminded of what Gandalf told Frodo in Lord of the Rings: "There are those that live that deserve to die; there are those who die who deserve life. Can you give it to them?"

The scales are not balanced. In the end, there are only five deaths instead of four. To quote an old saying, "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

This guy should be the local weatherman... Nealz Nuze December 12, 2005

Tookie's Termination is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. It won't happen. First, the federal courts are likely to grant a stay or two. After all, he was only sentenced about 24 years ago. What's the rush? Secondly, I believe that the main reason the execution of Tookie Williams won't be executed is because Schwarzenegger knows full well that as soon as Tookie's death is announced there will be riots in South Central Los Angeles and elsewhere. The huge media exploitation of this story has made drop-dead sure of that. There are thugs just waiting for an excuse ... not a reason, an excuse. The rioting, of course, will lead to wide scale looting. There are a lot of aspiring rappers and NBA superstars who could really use a nice flat-screen television right now.

Look for Arnold to give Tookie a pass.

...and it will be 78 degrees and sunny in Aroostook County, Maine today...

Monday, December 12, 2005

Fount of negativity

The link is relevant to this post, insomuch that Huna deals with creating your own reality. Positivity (optimism) and negativity (pessimism) affect this in ways you probably can't believe.

My father is a fount of negativity. The world is out to get him. Not literally, but figuratively. My son's mother, my son and I are stuck living in the same house as him for an indefinite time until we can get our new place to some level of comfort and livability. Yesterday, he opts to bitch and gripe about the state of the kitchen (which he is partially responsible for as he leaves stuff around all over the place) and to insinuate that my son's mother is a bad mother (specifically, how she is "on the computer all the time"). She, of course, heard this and blew up. I opted to sit him down and talk to him; and try (operative word: try) to explain things to him. How I understand his position, but how his attitude is helping to just drag him further down. I challenged him, in the end, to go a day without saying the words "can't" or "cannot".

I, on the other hand, have lately been putting my best effort (and a little more) towards thinking positively. Our most recent challenge was to find firewood (aged) at a reasonable price. All I could find was $200 per cord, and there was no way I could afford that. However, (as reward for my patience and understanding yesterday?) the current owner of the old dojo (my old sensei) called me at work bright and early this morning to tell me that I can get aged firewood through him (from a guy I've been trying to contact for MONTHS) for only $120 per cord.

I jumped on it.

I had explained to my father about what Jesus meant when he said "by a man's fruits shall he be known." Essentially, this can also mean that (to use an old cliche) "the proof is in the pudding." The result is the proof of the means. His negative attitude has only helped bring more negativity to his life (mounting bills, etc) and drive people away. My positive attitude, on the other hand, has helped bring all the things I need (not necessarily want) to me.

I hope that I can lead by example; the examples that can be found in my life. This transformation of the mind has done nothing but help me, but I still have a long way to go.

Friday, December 09, 2005

People who can't (or don't want to) think.

The Dresden Dolls - Hatemail

Now, I haven't listened to a lot of Dresden Dolls's stuff, but this hatemail they got really bugged me. Here is the relevant quote from Dresden Dolls' "hatemail" archives:

"hello. i have just read the lyrics to your song 'bad habit'. i would just like to ask you how you can justify writing a song that glorifies self harm like this? do you have any idea how many impressionable children your music will have an impact on? yes, you want to be responsible for a load of CHILDREN getting into the vicious cycle of self harm because of a song that YOU wrote? lyrics like 'when i open a familiar scar, pain goes shooting like a star, comfort hasn't failed to follow so far...' [emphasis added by me] tell kids that if they want comfort they should cut themselves, how can you tell kids that?!? i can't express how fucking disgusted i am that you think this is a good song to put out there when people look to music to help them. i know that after saying all this, you probably won't reply but i would really like to know how you can sleep at night."

Uhm, hello!? This may (and probably does) NOT mean "go and cut yourself, physically." Like a lot of art (art? whazzat!?), this is allegorical. I understand the meaning (as it means to me) loud and clear. Never heard of the expression, "opening old wounds?" As in, bringing up past pains and emotional turmoil? This is an angsty band, full of emotional turmoil. Geez, fella, get out of that little box you call "your life" and take a look around for a change, before you start judging people. I can't express how fucking disgusted i am that you think this is a good idea to print shit like this when people look to music to help them.

Of course, the ultimate irony of this probably seems like me judging someone for being judgmental. As I always say, hate the deed not the doer. In times like this, I have to remind myself of that. Because there are things that I'm ignorant about as well, just like everyone else.

Except Jesus. ;-)

PS: "Coin Operated Boy" rocks! (throws another goat)

Thursday, December 08, 2005

what the !?!???!?

Betting on the Studs - Newsweek National News -

holy crap. An all-male whorehouse!?


holy crap! I mean ... holy CRAP! Dude. Holy crap!!! I can't say it enough. Personally, I feel that if there are going to be bordellos that cater to men (looking for a female prostitute), why not have bordellos that cater to women? Still... holy crap!!

And this is the icing on the cake:

For the time being, Fleiss plans to cater to women only (shall we call the johns janes, and the cathouse a doghouse?). But she says she may target the gay market next. She could be forced to: Nevada lawmaker David Parks, who is gay, plans to ask for a legal opinion this month on whether Fleiss would be violating the state's anti-bias law by letting only women hire her studs.


I need a drink.

I wouldn't want to be in this man's shoes, even for a billion dollars.

Death Row Dilemma - Newsweek National News -

As much as I feel for "Tookie's" situation, the person I'm referring to is Gov. Schwarzenegger. Talk about being between a rock and a hard place! When I earlier condemned the concept of the death penalty, I did not intend to judge those who implement it, and/or deny clemency, etc. I am speaking out about the concept itself and the attitudes surrounding it.

Tookie's lawyer said it best: "Is this man worth more to society alive than dead?" Here are the things that I believe are weighing in the governor's mind:

Track record indicating true redemption
Multiple nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize (wow)
Gang kids that look up to him that, alive, he can help steer away from the gang life.

Political weight to ensure he can implement his agenda, which (I'm hoping) he's doing for the greater good of all Californians
Giving the families of the slain victims closure (revenge or no, it still helps to give closure, I have to admit that..not always, but sometimes)
Comments and statements by others in the law enforcement community that state Tookie's reluctance to admit guilt, show remorse, and/or "snitch" on former gang mates indicate that he is not truly "redeemed."

What a juggling act! So, personally, even though I absolutely abhor the death penalty, I cannot blame Gov. Schwarzenegger for denying clemency, if that were to happen. I wouldn't be happy with it, but I can understand the predicament he finds himself in.

My prayers are with both men tonight.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

PFI and PAI further explored

I recently coined a few terms regarding manifesting reality. They are the "principle of focused intent" (PFI) and the "principle of 'as-if'" (PAI). I expand on these principles here. Please note: if you click this link, you ARE passing through the looking glass. This stuff is not for the faint of heart, nor for the cynical. This is about reality and the shaping thereof, and therefore (to the cynical) is loaded with "hocus-pocus" and "mumbo-jumbo." A lot of what I wrote is stuff I've been learning for many years now, and a lot of what I wrote comes from another source. Strange how they both are quite similar in so many respects.

So go ahead and learn about PFI and PAI. If you dare.

(PS: It is a fairly long post.)

1001 - Politics work against Crips founder - Dec 7, 2005

Unless I miscounted, this guy is number 1001. Not a milestone to be proud of. For those who think that the death penalty is still about justice, let me quote one of the last paragraphs from this article:

Gov. Pat Brown, who in the 1950s and '60s commuted 23 death sentences, more than any California governor, acknowledged that he once let an inmate die in the gas chamber to get a minimum-wage bill through the Legislature.

And nobody (referring to those that support the death penalty) sees anything wrong with this!? This goes to show that not only is the death penalty nothing more than legalized revenge, it is also a political tool.

Shit like this makes the Baby Jesus cry. And I'm not kidding here. I'm sure Jesus, right now, is crying because of what a bunch of idiots we "Christians" are.

Once again, I truly believe the only answer is a government that is founded on these simple principles: life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the balance between justice and mercy or compassion.

A lot like what Jesus preached in the Gospels. What a concept!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Two different principles

Huna Forum Bulletin Board :: View topic - The Witch Doctor Diaries

Here's the quote from the above link (near the very bottom of the page): "Rather than trying to 'make' something happen, just 'let it' happen."

This was enlightening, and it made clear that the "as-if" principle is NOT quite the same as focused intention. The principle of focused intention (PFI) assumes that the thing you want has not happened yet, and you want it to happen. The "as-if" principle assumes that the thing you want already exists, and you express gratitude for it. The "as-if" principle is like PFI only insomuch that the focused intention is on the gratitude and assumtion that the wish has already been granted, versus wishing for something you don't yet have.

Following the principles of huna (see the website above)--as I understand it anyway--and the fundamentals to the "as-if" principle, this makes sense. To make something real, you have to believe that it can be real. If you DON'T have the thing you wish for, and you are wishing FOR it, then you are in a state that the thing you want is NOT yet real; and therefore, the thing you want is NOT real. Therefore, you cannot MAKE it real.

I'm not sure I conveyed that clear enough, but there goes. Chew on that for a bit.

A middle-aged man discovers something my two-year old already knew.

Professor loses weight by "intuitive eating" - Diet & Fitness -

It seems like common sense; but we humans have had it drilled into our heads that you need to finish off what's on your plate. Anyone recall the saying, "There's starving kids in Ethiopia (or insert your third-world country of choice here)"? I'm sure your parents must've used it on you (or most of you) because I know mine did. We have been programmed to believe that wasting food is wrong.

Of course, the other alternative is to not load your plate up with food. Take small servings, and come back for seconds if you're still hungry.

I think they actually did a 20/20 special on this once.

In regards to emotional and social eating, those are two other concepts behind the whole overeating scenario. As social animals, we try to do what the rest of the group is doing. And there are some foods that lend us comfort when we're feeling down, at the (future) expense of weight gain.

Monday, December 05, 2005


The Homeless Guy Retro
The Homeless Guy

Under the first link, near the bottom, you will find this:

Too Important Not To Print

This is not about homelessness - but it's too important not to share.


Liberal views force soldier out of military

I am writing this in response to a series of letters published by The Item, beginning with my own letter on March 14, 2003 titled "Bush Shows Arrogance Not Leadership." In it, I discussed the relevance of United Nations approval prior to the War in Iraq, as well as the consequences of "going at it alone." Following the printing of my letter, a pair of readers retaliated by attacking my loyalty and ability to "cover their son's back." The more striking of the two had this to say:

"If Sgt. E-5 Ferriol is who he says he is and is in the job he claims he is in, I think about now he will be in front of his commander answering a lot of questions concerning his loyalty, the enlistment oath and above all the oath he took to get the security clearance to be in the job he claims to be in. I would not want a person with his views in a foxhole next to me nor could I rely on intelligence analysis he performed that might get me killed. I took what I think is the correct action, cut the article out of the paper, wrote a cover letter and sent it to the DoD for action."

I would like to take this opportunity to let Mr. Simpson know that I am who I say I am and I was in the job I said I was in. I honorably served my country for eight years in the United States Marine Corps; providing honest intelligence analysis and collecting countless awards and promotions throughout my career. I was also a leader and mentor to scores of young men and women. In those eight years, I sacrificed more of myself for this country than most men and women ever will in their lifetime. But, thanks to the zeal and quick judgment of this individual, I am no longer serving our beloved country. His forecast was correct. Following his letter to DoD, I was brought up on charges of "Disloyal Statements" under Article 134 of the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice). Not because anything I wrote was disloyal, but because of my political views and how they differ from Mr. Simpson and others like him. The unfortunate aspect of this is not my demise, but their inability to understand or accept the opinions of others as different from their own. Nonetheless, I was forced to retain an attorney and undergo weeks of scrutiny before being cleared of the charges. I was, however, never allowed to work in Intelligence again; forced to separate the Marine Corps over threats that I would not be allowed to reenlist. Never mind the fact that there is not one single negative mark on my entire eight years of service (the letter incident was considered "hush-hush" so not even that made it on my record), or the fact that every one of my superiors stood up for me during this time, praising my abilities and loyalty to this country. None of that mattered; only my "liberal beliefs."

Also unfortunate is that I am not alone in this situation. We now live in a climate of political correctness and false patriotism where anyone who goes against our president is immediately labeled as disloyal; unpatriotic; a traitor; a liberal. Consider the recent scandal involving the White House CIA leak. Because Mr. Wilson disagreed with our President and publicly acknowledged this, his wife's cover was conveniently blown so she could never work as an intelligence operative again. Also consider the smear campaign that ensues after every major political figure speaks out against President Bush; how all of their dirty laundry is quickly hung out to dry. Maybe you should also consider the Dixie Chicks, who received death threats and were boycotted because of their differing "liberal" views. And yet another unknown story is of a struggling solo artist by the name of Julia Rose who tours the northeast playing her guitar and singing in bookstores. She made a lone comment regarding President Bush and is now banned from playing in every Borders bookstore in the northeast. And what was her terrible comment that led to her banishment? Nothing more than the President has "chicken legs."

So, I am not alone. There are countless other upstanding citizens whose views correlate with mine. And if I had it to do all over again, nothing would change. I would still write that letter and I would still complete my service standing tall and proud. I don't have a disloyal bone in my body and most likely never will. Having said that, it's a shame that because of my political views this country lost one more honest service member protecting its borders. In closing I would also like to make one more point. In my letter I said, "… what you failed to state was that with a new war in Iraq, terrorism will not only 'exist' but flourish. The terrorists are winning, and with a unilateral step into war, they will have the biggest recruiting boom in the history of al-Qaeda." As sad as it is, not one of my assumptions have been proven incorrect. So maybe it's not my "liberal views" that will get people killed, but a zealous leader quick to judge.

Adolf Hitler put it best when he said, "What good fortune for those in power that people do not think."

Former Marine Corps Intelligence Analyst

I suggest everyone read both links. It is truly thought-provoking; and sheds a different light on the homeless and homelessness. Reading this only adds to the focus on my mission, despite how improbable it may seem to most people.

What do you do with someone who is obviously so stupid?

Teen released after murder now faces life in jail - Crime & Punishment -

I mean, this kid isn't "retarded" in the classic/medical sense. He's just fucking stupid! Do people like this think they can actually get away with their stupidity? Now, I'll be one of the first to criticize our justice system; but this person really DOES need to be behind bars for life. I mean, not only did he (allegedly) break a law--TWICE--after being put on probation (for murder of all things), but he didn't even wear a fucking MASK when he roobed the pizza guy (as I understand this article). Hand to God, next to "stupid" in the dictionary is a picture of this kid.