Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Yet something else that scores a '9' on the Cool-O-Meter

Lovable "Losers" - REALITY TV -

Very refreshing. Instead of all the cheesy backstabbing and terrible "acting" (sometimes I wonder, considering all the "models" on the latest Survivor, if these are "real people"), we have a bunch of people committed to LOSE WEIGHT. One person lost as much as 46% of their total body weight.


Here's a show where overweight Americans can find their new heroes. Because that's what these people are. They rose up to meet the challenge. They're heroes in their own right.

Rawk on! (throws goat)

McDeathalds...over 1000 served.

Clemency forestalls nation's 1,000th execution - Crime & Punishment -

Well, okay, not yet. Gives a whole new meaning to "would you like fries with that," though. But only in nine states.

"There are those who live that deserve death. There are those who die that deserve life. Can you give it to them?"

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Making the world

JediTrainer Knowledge Base:Blue Feather Chronicles - JediTrainer Mana'o

"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world." Buddha

This goes in line with my "as if" theory. Like I said (or maybe I didn't), the concept is nothing new, and finds its roots in Eastern mysticism. I would like to use the "as if" intention to see the Ultimate Vision come to its fruition. But, after the recent stressful events in my life, I wonder if I'm really up to the challenge. Perhaps I should be satisfied with "second place." I don't know anymore. Perhaps I should use the intention for more immediate needs, such as getting our new place up to standars for my family to move in to.

Note: This also links into a post I did quite some time ago.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Ever since I was a young boy, I played the silver ball...

Pro gamer makes a real killing - Games -

Title is from "Pinball Wizard," by The Who. I saw this article and immediately thought of this song.

Saturday, November 19, 2005


Due to circumstances beyond my control, I will not be posting to "Chartreuse" until November 28th (at the earliest, probably). But it's okay. There's plenty of stuff here to read. And re-read. And then fall asleep at the keyboard.

But seriously.

See you all in a few days!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Are women necessary? - 'Are Men Necessary?' - Nov 15, 2005

The title of the book flies in the face of the natural order. But, nowadays, what doesn't? But the story behind the title is more than some kind of militant slam on the masculine sex. One of her underlying themes (in fact, it's a serious point she tries to make) is that men seem afraid of feminine power.

I don't think she has it quite on the head. I think, more accurately, men realize that a beautiful, smart and assertive woman will be harder to "get" than (if you forgive the term) a doormat. And, man often epitomizing the human trait of "sloth," doesn't want to work that hard.

Yes, you heard it from me. And, she may be right that there are men that fear feminine power, but if so, I believe it's primarily for that reason--they want someone easy to dominate.

I think a better title for Are Men Necessary should be, Is the slothfulness of character that men exhibit necessary. The answer to that question is a resounding "no," but the title is a bit wordy.

Guys, if you don't want to work hard for that goddess, then you're only gonna get what you aim for. I, personally, appreciate someone who is on an intellectual level similar to my own; and someone who knows what they want and goes and gets it. This is the kind of person you have to respect; and if you can't respect your intimate partner, you have a problem.

Now, I haven't read the book. I am only stating my opinion from reading an article where the author has been interviewed. Some opinions she states I don't agree with; but for this one I do.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Ex Post Facto

Netflix Class-action lawsuit settlement -

This is from an MSNBC-sponsored blog, in regards to the class-action suit settlement against Netflix. Read it for the background, then come back here for a comment on a little-known Constitutional provision.

Bob Sullivan, at the end, kind-of complains that "...the law [placing restrictions on class-action suits], however, was not retroactive and has no impact on the current Netflix case." Well, he doesn't really complain--he just points this out. Now I know a lot of people WOULD complain about this, thinking it's unfair; because the lawyers involved in the settlement get $2.5 million, while the plaintiffs (Netflix customers) just get a "coupon" for a one-month upgrade to their service.

Why oh why didn't Congress make the law retroactive?

Because they can't. In the US Constitution, Article I, Section 9, it says that "...No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed." The definition of "ex post facto" (literally translated as "after the fact") is: "Formulated, enacted, or operating retroactively." Therefore, even if Congress wanted to, they cannot make this new law retroactive.

Just thought I'd share this little bit of knowledge with you all, because knowledge is power.

Monday, November 14, 2005

The drama that is my life

Last Monday our landlord came to the house we were renting. He told us he was going to evict us for violations of the lease. He never gave us a chance to correct any issues. And, strangely enough, he told us the motive behind his desire to kick us out. It wasn't because we violated the terms in the lease...

His fiancee's parents, where he and his kids were staying, were selling their house; and he was looking for a place to move to. So guess what.

I went to a friend of the family that night, who happens to be a prominent real estate lawyer. I told him what happened, and on what grounds our landlord thought he could evict us. The lawyer finally said we had an 80% chance of beating the eviction; plus, considering the underlying motive (which there is a witness for), the judge would not be likely to let the order stand.

Last night, we finally get the notice itself, which gives us until November 20th to move out and not forfeit any moneys due us. Or, we can leave before December 20th, and forfeit part or all of our deposit, plus some other stupid crap. I showed the notice to the lawyer.

He scoffed, and said, "You have him by the short hairs." That made me feel pretty good.

Now, I'm not out looking for a fight, but we have some serious ammunition here. My son's mother and I decided to use this eviction as an "out," because (a) we've been finding more interesting things about the house we were renting and eventually going to buy, and (b) heating this place, cost-wise, is already proving to be a bear.

Today, we went and looked at an apartment our landlord suggested. It, also, was a three bedroom, and (according to heating records) uses less fuel to heat than the place we're in now.

The place was a dump. The apartment was filthy, there were holes in the walls (BIG ones), the upstairs bedroom floor was nothing more than painted particle board, the vinyl tiles on the floors (which run through the rest of the house) were chipped and broken... the list goes on and on.

After that waste of our time, we bought a newspaper. I looked through it to find a suitable place we could call and check out. Near the very back of the paper I found a building for sale. Owner financed at 3 1/2% for $29,900.

It was my old dojo! That was kind of interesting timing. I knew the place was up for sale, but finding it like that was a bit of a surprise. The building is pretty least 2,000 square feet. The place has wood heat, and, as I remember, it was the primary source of heat. The problem is, even if we could buy this place, wood up here is around $200 a cord.

Or is it?

I flipped a few pages in the paper and came across an ad for firewood: $85 a cord.




Talk about your coincidences!

I called the number and left a voice message. Two hours later, I got a call back from my old sensei. The place requires $2000 down (not a problem) and $400 per month to cover the $29,900 sale price at 3 1/2% down; and, considering I'm an old student of his, he's willing to work with me despite my bankruptcy from May 2004.

Rawk on!

Here are the plusses and minuses about this place, for those who give a shit. On the downside, the place is (apparently, as my old sensei said on the phone) unfinished on the inside, just like I remembered it from when I was a student there some 10+ years ago. And, it isn't really much to look at, to be honest. The building itself is in good shape, don't get me wrong...but the addition he put on (a second floor) is an eyesore. The bathroom is probably very small. And the lot is, well, tiny.

On the plus side: The place has (or had, when I was a student there) excellent energy. The Meduxnekeag River runs right outside. The road is relatively quiet. There are trees there. There's a nature/health food store just down the road. Also, considering that heating the place I'm in would cost (estimated) $5000 a year to do; this place, with just 6 cords of wood at $85 a cord, would cost us about a tenth of that. Even if the stove burned wood like there's no tomorrow (which, as I remember, this stove is very efficient), we'd still be saving an assload of money on heat. There is also propane heat in the place, as well as for cooking (I think).

Since I haven't seen the inside of that place in over ten years, I don't know what else there is in there, but I'll be seeing it this Wednesday.

I don't know whether I should bow or not when we go in.

Old Irish cool

How to cheer up a nursing home? Install a bar - Peculiar Postings -

I want to go to this nursing home when I'm old! Hell, yeah!

Trumping innovation

Cuban scientist barred from receiving U.S. prize - Americas -

Here's a guy who created a low-cost way of innoculating millions of people, including the poorest of the world, against a bug that causes meningitis and pneumonia in little children. He's from Cuba, therefore he must be evil, according to the US State Department.

Actually, I think that there are people in the US pharmaceutical industry who know key people in the state department, and they're pissed that someone is undercutting them. I say this because I'd like to think that the people in the state department aren't so stupid to simply decline entry to a person who is a scientist above everything else--and a humanitarian one at that. And people wonder why we stir up such dislike for Americans amongst the world.

Friday, November 11, 2005

More coolness from the news world

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Oral Sex at the Synagogue

Oral Sex at the Synagogue - Newsweek Society -

No, this isn't about another sexual scandal in a religious institution. It is about what sex is and what it should be used for. It is one thing to say, "do this"; or to say, "don't do that". But it is another thing when you experience what happens to you when you do or don't do what is expected of you by God. Jesus speaks many times in regards to sinning, and how the body is cast into hell. Some people think this is what happens to sinners after they die. No. This is what happens to people who sell themselves short--spiritually--RIGHT NOW. I know from experience: sex where there is no love is NOWHERE near as enjoyable as sex with someone you can't live without. People need to understand that sex is an expression (or should be) of our love for our partner. Anything less is truly "something less," as hell is less than heaven.

So if you really and truly want to get your rocks off, find someone to love first; and I mean seek love for love's sake. It's worth it.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Try posting this on a marquee!

How about: "Oil Executives On Fire"?

Oil executives under fire - Nov. 9, 2005

Fireworks started early at a Senate hearing into high oil prices and record industry profits Wednesday as Democrats and Republicans sparred over whether energy executives should have to swear to tell the truth before the panels.

Record industry profits!? Wow. And here I thought the poor, helpless oil industry was overwhelmed by Katrina (etc). Boy, was I wrong.

There have also been calls for a windfall profit tax by some members of Congress, with proposals to have the money distributed to lower-income consumers to help them with energy costs.

But Sen. Pete Domenici, R-Ariz., chairman of the Senate Energy Committee, said in his opening comments that he would oppose such a tax.

Now, why would Sen. Pete Domenici, R-Ariz., say such a thing? Would he suggest that the tax money be invested elsewhere, or is he flat out against the tax (which is what it looks like here)?

I think the oil industry is trying to hoarde as much money as it can because it knows we're just about to the end of the oil supply on Earth. Fewer and fewer new oil fields are being found each year. This is a good indicator that the oil age is almost over.


Principal hailed as hero in school shooting - Crime & Punishment -

Why kids seem more prone to this nowadays is beyond me. It cannot be due to access to guns. Guns have been part of American tradition going way, WAY back; and yet you never heard about these things back then. Around the time of Columbine, you got to hear about this more often. Nowadays, it's almost common for kids to bring guns to school. What changed?

I remember when I was an 8 year old, I found my mother's 38 in her sock drawer. I knew what it was and that it was dangerous. I put it back instead of playing with it. But nowadays, it seems that kids don't know any better. What changed?

It could be one or more of the following:

(1) Kids today have a lower average IQ than kids born twenty or so years ago. Our kids are being born stupider, and--statistically--should have an IQ less than their shoe sizes by 2035. I somehow think this one is unlikely.
(2) Gun manufacturers, in collusion with the government and alien abductors from the planet Clarion, have implemented a sinister strategy to incite discord by implementing mind-controlling devices in all guns. The devices beam mind-control rays into young kids, telling them "kill someone... using guns are fun..." As fun a theroy as this may sound, I really think this one is unlikely <X-files theme song>... or is it?</X-files theme song>
(3) Parents are too lazy to take the time to warn their kids about guns, and properly teach them about guns and what they're all about. This seems pretty likely.
(4) Media is making it "cool" to shoot people. Games in the same vein as the GTA series. Rap artists glorifying gang warfare. Etceteras. This also seems quite likely.

Outlawing guns is just a way to excuse parents and the media from being responsible. I don't understand why we cannot instill a sense of self-responsibility in our citizens. If we, as Americans and the human race as a whole, are heading down the highway to hell, it is only because we're steering the bus that way.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Again, all I have to say is...

Terrorist, the scapegoat

If any of you understand the concept of "six degrees of separation," you may understand where I'm going here. I can prove to you that the FBI could easily obtain records on me for whatever whim they fancy. The FBI claim to be issuing these "national security letters" (NSLs) for those who may or may not have been connected with terrorists or terrorist activities.

But I am connected to terrorist and terrorist activities. By three degrees of separation. This may sound like I'm reaching, but I'm not. Friends of mine (one degree) have relatives. The husband (two degrees) was one of the key people involved in downing the plane in Pennsylvania, thus stopping those terrorists from reaching their target (three degrees).

I can take this further, but from here on, the exercise is purely academic. These terrorists got their marching orders from their cell leader, or some other leader in the al-Qaeda chain (four degrees), who most likely got the orders from al-Zarqua.. al-Zuqwea... whatever his name is (five degrees) who is the right-hand man for Osama bin Laden (six degrees). I'm sure that chain may be shorter, depending on who knew who.

Let's trace backwards now from the third degree of separation. The FBI could easily want to investigate any other "possible connections" that my friend's brother-in-law had; or other ways he may have come into contact with terrorists. They issue NSLs for my friend's brother-in-law's family. That traces back to my friends, who live just 2 doors down from me. Here comes another round of NSLs. We're just being careful here, you know. You never know what you may find mining all this data. Finally, since I'm neighbors AND friends with these people, they soon will have every single bit of information they can find on me. And they'll store it in some big database somewhere, where it will sit there indefinitely.

If you don't see a problem with this, you need your head examined. There's no due process involved. They just have to establish a link between you and a suspected (or actual) terrorist. And as I've proven, it's not hard.

This leads to terrorists being the scapegoat. "What!?" you say? Yes. They're scapegoats. Rather, they're an excuse for the government to get whatever data they want on us. When the day Big Brother is really known for who he is (Antichrist, whatever you want), there will be no hiding from him. You escape to a friend's house? Big Brother will know of him. That friend leads you elsewhere? Big Brother will know that you're likely to go that way. And so on. For Christians, they understand that means the Antichrist can hunt you down and force you to either take his mark (666), or ... well, or else.

All in the name of "national security."

Saturday, November 05, 2005

wtf!? (Cheney urges exception to torture ban for CIA)

Cheney urges exception to torture ban for CIA - U.S. Security -

These are the kinds of people we have running our country. How can we ship off detainees to other countries for torturing, and/or try to get "exception" to do it ourselves; then turn around and accuse parts of the world (like some Muslims) for having no respect for life?

Friday, November 04, 2005

We're serving spam and eggs; spam, bacon and eggs; spam, spam and eggs...

A new place for spam's old pitches - Highlights -

...sausage, spam and eggs; spam, sausage and spam; spam, spam and spam...

Yes I got that infamous Monty Python sketch screwed up, but you get the jist. This site, too, has been the victim of splog (in the form of comments). If you're a blogger, make sure you have your Word Verification turned on (it's in your Settings).

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Going off the deep end in a big way

Check this link out. It is (yet another) new blog I started, and this one has a definite purpose in mind, unlike "Chartreuse" which simply harbors random thoughts.

Oh, but before you do, go here to get a good idea of what kind of interesting things you will encounter on the new blog. I will be spending most of my time on the new blog; but will still post my random observations on life here from time to time.

The Infrequent Song of the Week (tm) is "Use the Force" by Jamiroquai.

I urge people who believe that ANYTHING is possible to go to the new blog. Oh, and fasten your seat belts!

The Netflix Settlement Sucks

The Netflix Settlement Sucks

Check it out, and if you believe you fall into this class action suit, DO something about it.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Yahoo! Groups : unitychurch Messages : Message 483 of 485, "What's Going On?"

I oftentimes wonder where people come up with such fiction. I guess I shouldn't be SO skeptical, because truth is stranger than fiction, but still...

Some information is difficult to absorb, such as the nature of our hollow Earth and the ancient civilisations still living there.

Prove it.

Like the fact that many people have actually traveled back in time to change the future of this planet and
universe, many eons ago.

Prove it.

And like the fact we have discovered how to make war ships invisible and time travel again, since 1943.

Prove it!

And how the Apollo Moon Program was a cover-up of higher technology [prove it]. Secret trips had already been made to establish bases on the Moon and Mars [prove it], and to explore other parts of our solar system since the early 60s. [prove it]

What's really interesting is that there are people out there who will eat this up, like it's Gospel. But for me, I say, "prove it." Damn any Illuminati conspiracy to hide the truth. Sounds like "X-Files" to me. Stuff like this, best-case scenario, is entertainment. Worst-case, it is delusional, and focuses minds on silly things instead of true, growing concerns in the world. For that matter, any kind of "news" works the same way: instead of reading about bad things in the world, go out and do something beneficial.

Just a random rant; and probably a bit incoherent, at that.

Couldn't have said it better myself - All Hallows Eve

Read Waiter's recollection on his godfather, the priest. Spot. Fucking. On.

This may not be such a good idea...

Mattel rolls out an Elmo that 'Knows Your Name' - Nov. 1, 2005

I can picture it now... the child opens the present, pulls out the Elmo...

Elmo: "Hi, Bobby, my name is Elmo!"

Bobby: "It.. knows... MY NAME! EEEeeeeeeee!!!" *runs screaming into bedroom*

One more child scarred for life.

What Inspires You?

So fake cool image should be over

So lately I've been having a kind of identity issue--a sexual identity issue. No, I don't mean cross-dressing or transgender. Some days I feel like guys. Other days I feel like women. Most days (the vast majority apparently) I feel like going off to a monastery. The confusion is murder.

But for a while this morning, I achieved a piece of clarity that comes only once in a rare while. This song (click the link) says it all. It becomes more than just about getting my rocks off.