Thursday, June 29, 2006

More weekly news bites

I haven't had a lot of time in the past week or so; therefore, here is yet another quick grouping of news items that caught my eye, along with some one-liners.

Why places like Denmark don't have this kind of problem--and we do--is beyond me. This hypocritical, puritanical society needs to get its collective head out of its ass.

Considering that Sen. Clinton has the highest percentage of "yes" votes--at 22%--it should be quite obvious how US Citizens in general just don't really like *any* of the possible candidates. What is the significance of this?

A little more perspective...I'm not sure how to react to this.

I said, CANCEL MY F*!@ING ACCOUNT!!!,,2-2233442,00.html

Another woman who Can't Understand Normal Thinking (tm). This is wrong on so many levels.

The video seen here is going to be the "sleeper" hit of the year! (update: the person portrayed in the video has been fired)

uh... hmm.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ...uh, I mean... shame on him. "I heard it [the non-stop announcement] and I have no idea what they were saying," he said.

"Did they say 'Grand Central Station,' or 'my aunt's constipation?'"

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Friday, June 23, 2006

Misleading headlines

Officials: We haven�t found WMDs - Conflict in Iraq -

It really bugs me when news outlets use ambiguous or half-truth headlines. In this article, the headline says "no WMDs found in Iraq" (paraphrased). However, if you read a bit further, they quote a government official saying:

"We were able to determine that [the missile] is, in fact, degraded and ... is consistent with what we would expect from finding a munition that was dated back to pre-Gulf War," an intelligence official told NBC. "However, even in the degraded state, our assessment is that they could pose an up-to-lethal hazard if used in attacks against coalition forces."

So...there ARE WMDs in Iraq, just not the ones we went in expecting to find. Perhaps this is what the Italians saw, then--these old weapons that had degrated some, but still pose a threat?

Perhaps a better headline would be: "You don't need to see his papers. These aren't the droids you're looking for."

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Iraq WMDs - Report: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq

There are no WMDs in Iraq. Nope. None. Fox News must be lying. And the confidential document describing the WMDs that were actually found after 2004 is just part of a larger conspiracy.

Get your tinfoil hats out now!

Option D

Democratic fissures in Senate's Iraq debate - Politics -

There appear to be three different camps in the Senate right now, regarding our future handling of the war in Iraq. The Kerry camp wants us out of there by July 1, 2007. The Reid camp wants to form a phased plan for withdrawal and redeployment. The Republicans want to stay the course.

I think there's an 'option D' here.

The fact of the matter is, we screwed the pooch when we went into Iraq. And now, we're handling the issues there--most importantly, the insurgency--half-assed. This isn't the way to do it. If we're so damned concerned about the Iraqi people, we need to do MORE than just piddle around in Iraq.

Option D is to send MORE troops to Iraq. Perhaps double the amount.

Not exactly the most popular option...especially if you are a family that has had your children die there. But there is (more) safety in numbers. For example, had there been MORE people around those two servicemen that were kidnapped and killed earlier this week, there'd have been a smaller chance that those two young men would've suffered the fate they did. But we're too damned afraid to send more people in there because of (let's face it) the political backlash. The year is 2006, and we want to have control of the House ("we" being either Democrat or Republican). Forget common sense. We just want to keep our jobs, even if it means making the wrong decision.

For the record, I don't agree with this war we are having in Iraq. I believe in the fundamentals that all humans should have the right to determine their own destiny, which the Iraqis did NOT have under Saddam. However, we went into Iraq under the wrong pretext; and perhaps the US shouldn't be playing 'big brother' to the world. This should've been an international effort.

It may explain why Afghanistan is faring so much better than Iraq.

Hopefully, we'll learn from this mistake. But the fact of the matter remains: we invaded Iraq and ousted Saddam. We need to finish the job there, and do it right. Keeping a minimal force in Iraq will only help the insurgency's war of attrition.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Behind every great man...

WP: Bill Gates' world of possibility - Highlights -

I remember, back in 'teh day,' when Bill Gates was accumulating massive wealth, but donating any of that money was almost unheard of.

Then along came Melinda.

That is how I remember it, anyway. Whether that's true or not, I cannot say for sure. Bill Gates may have very well been donating a sizable sum to charities before he got married...but that's not the story I recall. As I remember it, sometime after he got married to Melinda, he started to donate a few million to schools...then it became some kind of big thing where billions of dollars went out to various charitable causes.

It's just like the old adage says: behind every great man is a greater woman.

(PS: I think any multi-millionaire or billionaire who contributes THAT much of their wealth should be exempt from most taxes. But that's just me.)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

And if you would direct your attention over here... What Would Tyler Durden Do?

A blog I liked to frequent, Dude Man Phat, has been inactive since late January of this year. Too bad. However, now I see that, one month after DMP went silent, this blog has popped up. Almost one month to the day to be exact. And it seems pretty funny, too. It, like DMP, focuses on the crazy antics of the stars. So for those of you jonesing for a DMP fix, you're just gonna have to get it from here.

Again, not news

Iraq ministry: GIs' bodies found - Conflict in Iraq -

I hate to be the naysayer, but anyone who honestly thought they'd find these guys alive has been hiding under a rock since 1958. The people who abducted these GIs have absolutely no respect for life. They never have, and they never will. Why we don't just bulldoze places flat where insurgents are known to live is beyond me. With them inside.

The Daily Rundown for June 19, 2006

This is kind of a new format...whenever I see something that's particularly noteworthy, but I don't have a lot to say about it, I'll put it in something like this. I have 6 of these today:

The consummate news freak.

All that this guy needs now is a cape and some tights.

Very heartening...but it will never solve all the problems. At least it's a step in the right direction.

Check out the video clip. The facial expression on the female news anchor at the very end...priceless.

For those of you who are REALLY into partying.

I couldn't have put it better myself.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Changing perceptions

US rejected Iranian overtures in 2003 | Jerusalem Post

I think the title of the linked article says it all. What's truly amazing about this piece of news is that it didn't come from an Islamic-biased news source (like some news agency out of Iran, or, to a more moderate degree, Al Jazeera). It came from ISRAEL. Y' of the de-facto enemies of Iran? To which I have to say: WTF? What kind of motive would the US have to rebuff what seems to be an honest attempt to open a peaceful dialogue with us in regards to their pursuit of nuclear technology?

There's a comment by a reader that speaks volumes: "You call them axis of evil and threaten them with military strike. You rebuff their approach and now we are all wondering why they want to develop the bomb."

Friday, June 16, 2006

This just in...

Terror blueprint: Text of a document found in al-Zarqawi's safe house

This may explain a great deal. It may explain why there is doubt about some 'evidence' collected by the international community that MAY implicate Iran on subterfuge (they really want to build nukes)...namely a laptop discovered some time ago containing information suggesting Iran was collecting nuclear weapon technology.

What if that laptop was an al-Qaeda plant? How much of the other 'evidence' collected was orchestrated? What if Iran REALLY DOES just want nuclear plants?

I'm not saying that's really what's going on, but it does start to raise more questions.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The balance | 06/14/2006 | Girl's savior faces 3rd strike

Here is a man who has committed multiple burglaries counting for tens of thousands of dollars of personal property. The law in his state says that for a third felony conviction, the accused risks life in prison ("three strikes, you're out"). But the argument is this: in the course of his latest crime spree, he supplied evidence to police that put a child molester behind bars. Where is the balance? Should a man with obvious redeemable qualities be locked away for life?

A reader made a very astute comment:

This guy's problem is methamphetimine, not burglary. Stealing stuff is only a means to an end, specifically; fueling his drug addiction. He has redeeming qualities, as evidenced by his good deed.
Locking up drug addicts does not help them (they can still get drugs in jail) and when they get out, the addiction is so strong, they go back to using drugs.
This man needs ongoing treatment and some sort of support sturcture to hold him accountable and keep him clean and sober. Then he will most likely abandon his life of crime and make a contribution to society instead of taking from society.
Our justice system has to temper the administration of justice with mercy. My god! He put his life in jeopardy to save a little girl. If that deed does not warrant mercy, then our justice system is truly broken.

This brings to bear a greater scope of issues: the roles of prisons. A person with a drug habit cannot be "corrected" in a "correctional facility" if there is no real correction: rehabilitation. However, in any repeat offender's case, no matter the cause or circumstances, you just cannot have a guy go to rehab and let him wander loose.

Prisons should lock up criminals, but they also need to serve a purpose for actually rehabilitating and correcting criminals so that they can be released and be productive members of society. A prison should, in this way, be like a hospital as well (or in some cases a mental asylum I suppose). "Three strikes" laws reduce the chance of that happening. There are cases, I'm sure, when "three strikes" is the most logical conclusion. But not in this man's case, nor others similar to it.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Just because a psychopath said it doesn't make it any less true

New York Daily News - Breaking News

The following quote was printed in a yearbook under some student's mugshot:

"The great masses of people ... will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one."

Who is the original author? Click the link (in the title) to find out! And, as a final note, just because a psychopath said it, it doesn't invalidate the veracity of the statement.

That's a pretty damn big conspiracy...

Hitler memorial in Wisconsin? - U.S. Life -

There is no doubt in my mind that the Holocaust happened. Those who claim that it was all made up must live in one of the lesser-known states of the United States: The State of Denial. There are TOO MANY Holocaust survivors and witnesses (and too many dead Jewish people) for this to be one big conspiracy. Motives aside, it happened. But, there is speculation as to why it happened...and, to me, it is all hearsay.

The one thing I've heard from some people (especially older Germans) is that Hitler was threatened to lead the National Socialist party back in the '30's. Apparently, they threatened the life of one of his relatives (his sister if I remember correctly) if he didn't acquiesce.

That may explain part of the reason why Hitler became the leader of the Nazis, but it doesn't explain why it happened. Some people say that the Jews that were particularly singled out were not specifically of Hebrew descent (I cannot remember which ethnicity these Jews were supposed to be). Also, after the treaty of Versailles, Germany essentially went broke...along with its citizens. They ended up owing millions of dollars in reparations, which essentially shut everything down. I know this because of my grandmother: she lived in Germany in the 20's, and remembered how hard life was. These particular branch of Jews (supposedly...and I'm sure that this included non-Jews as well) held all the wealth, while Germans starved. This was a catalyst for the Nazis' and Hitler's rise to power. Hitler was a great orator, and used this talent to his (and his party's) advantage. And history will show that once Hitler put his plan in action, the average German began to prosper.

The expense of this prosperity, though, was immense, as history will also show.

I'm not sure why National Socialism worked so well in the 30's for Germany, but no ideology, no matter how much it ended up benefiting people, can ever excuse what happened to millions of Jews some sixty to seventy years ago.

The only issue I have with how we focus on this particular point in history is that we solely seem to focus on the particular result of Hitler's (or maybe just the Nazi party's, as some people think Hitler was really just a pawn...yeah, right) domestic policy, which was the Holocaust. Nobody ever seems to explain why it happened anymore. If you happen to stumble across a historical video called "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich," it explains a lot of what I mentioned above...that Germans were dirt poor and blamed the Jews, and the Nazis capitalized on that.

PS: History also shows that originally Hitler wanted to deport all these Jews, but nobody would take them. Jews today still face that kind of rejection: one glance at a newspaper today will support that. Hamas is, of course, a very good example; as well as the rhetoric of President Ahjemababaloo of Iran. And, of course, you will always find the aberrant nutjob that (stereotypically anyway) shaves his head and gets swastika tatoos on his arm. So modern events can cast some light on history (as we all know, history does repeat itself). This still will never excuse Hitler's final answer.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Three-hour walkabout

After doing some meditating, I felt a bit better...and felt like a small adventure. I heard there's a new Mexican restaurant about 45 minutes from where I live, so I went there first off. And, I'm going to give it a review.

Atmosphere: D. The place was decorated ... somewhat, in a proper Mexican theme, but outside of that, there was no real atmosphere to the place. There wasn't even any music. Rather dull.

Service: C. The server was courteous and prompt enough, but he seemed bored and uninterested. It didn't convey a lot of confidence to me. At least he didn't throw my food on the table like a frisbee or something.

Food: A. It should've been a good tip-off when the server came out and did NOT say, "Be careful, the plate is hot." That is, we haven't had it in an oven for an hour or just in the microwave. You could also tell the tortillas were homemade (the edges were irregular, etc), and the flavor of the food wasn't overstated, nor was it bland. I was quite surprised to find Mexican food of this quality (let alone at all) in the middle of Nowhere, Maine (actually, Mars Hill, Maine).

Value: A. For a filling lunch and a drink, it cost $6.42. For what you got, $6 definitely covers it and thensome.

So if you ever find your way to Mars Hill, look for "Casa de Nada" (which I think means, "House of Nothing"), right on Main Street.

Okay. After stuffing myself on burrito and taco, I took a short walk around the town...then got in the car and roamed the countryside for another 2 hours or so, finally coming home almost three hours after I left. I went places around the County I hadn't seen before (like the back-side of Mars Hill, and I almost went into Canada by accident). The whole time the weather was quite nice (but very cloudy).

Overall, after the meditation and the walkabout, I feel a lot better now. I just hope it lasts for a while.

And now (after the showers pass, that just started) I'm going to take a ride on my bike and get some exercise.


It's been a while since I've had this level of burnout. I was told about a week and a half ago that the place I work for ran out of money. One of the departments went over budget, and half of my pay comes from that department. So, by the later part of June, my hours will also be cut in half.

It pisses me off that I (plus a few others, apparently) have to suffer because of one person who can't fucking run a budget. THAT person should be fired, and WE should get her pay. Because of this dumb c...can't understand normal thinking...families suffer. My boss was laid off, for fuck's sake! That's how bad it is there. And nobody saw this coming!?

I now cannot support my son. I've been trying to meet new people; now I don't have the money to do ANY traveling, let alone pay for the fucking car (I can just barely make the payments with this new arrangement). I had to essentially beg to have $100 taken off of my mortgage (thank God it's owner-financed). And, of course, I now no longer will be able to pay for the repairs to my new place. So I'm stuck HERE until (at the latest I hope) November or December.

So, needless to say, I'm feeling burned out. I go from angry to depressed on a daily basis.

I want someone to pay for this mess!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

wait, what??

U.S. offers Iran nuke tech - Mideast/N. Africa -

Never have 5 words caused me such confusion: "US offers iran nuke tech." Whoah, wait a minute there, cowpoke! Isn't this a huge about-face in policy with Iran? How can we have "miltary options not off the table" (paraphrased) one day, and the next offer nuclear technology?

Or am I just still in shock by the headline, thusly all reasoning and logic has shut down in my brain?

I think there are a few possible motivations.

One, the GOP is under the impression it's going to get its ass handed to it come November. If we can resolve this crisis with Iran before November happens, it might put the GOP back in better standing with the public.

Two, it's another test from the Bush administration. If, for example, Iran declines this offer, it gives the US more leverage and credibility in the standoff. We offered them this much, and they rejected it...why would they reject nuclear technology aimed solely at electricity production UNLESS they only (or primarily) want nuclear technology to build a bomb? It does start to make a more compelling case for the US.

Three, it's solely (or primarily) altruistic, but I seriously doubt that. Why would we one day be at odds with Iran, and the next offer them gifts of goodwill, just because? Nuh-uh. Not likely.

My money is that it's on items number 1 and 2. It's the Bush administration's and the GOP's way of killing two birds with one nuke, uh I mean, stone. Gain credibility with the US citizenry (and get re-elected), and gain credibility with the rest of the world with an "I told you so" kind of routine.

This falls under the "zomfgwtfpwnd" category.

Bible Scholars Predict an 85 Percent Probability of a Nuclear Terrorist Attack on the UN Complex in Manhattan on June 9 or 10

Normally, whenever there's some kind of "doom and gloom" prediction on ‘teh internets,’ I laugh at it. The most recent example is Man was this guy way off.

But this most recent "prediction" is kind of spooky, and I'll highlight the important part. Part of it deals with a nuclear terrorist attack this coming weekend in New York City.

This work is not a New York Times best seller like the Hebrew Letter Skip code of Michael Drosnin and it is not a commercially successful fiction like the Da Vinci code of Dan Brown. But it does reveal accurately how the last true Christian church should be run, which is what might one expect from a true Bible code. It also reveals that Armageddon begins on March 23rd 2008, and ends on August 20th 2008. It reveals that Jesus comes down to earth to sort out the sheep from the goats on 5th/6th May 2008 during Armageddon, at the end of the 1335 days of Daniel 12:12 and that the faithful sheep are raptured to be angels on 6th/7th June 2008.

'The 50' take off for Vega 4 on June 7, 2008. (The later version of my book has 100 people, and only half make it off the planet where the other half are taken prisoner)


This got me to thinking. Much of what I wrote in Book 2 (in final stages of production) follows close in hand with past events (9/11 for example) and what this “Bible code” supposedly predicts. Here’s a breakdown, including dates I used in Book 2 (this is cut-and-pasted from a document I used to keep track of the storyline. Please note, that I wrote all of this around 2000. Some of it may have been updated after 9/11, I can’t remember. And yes, I’ve been sitting on this book for that long. Here it is:

The story behind ITEOTWAWKI: (Note: that jumble of letters stands for, “It’s The End Of The World As We Know It”)

9/3/2020 S (Note: “S” is “Standard time,” since a year on the new planet is 1.5 times longer than on Earth. Therefore, this is in the year 2026…May 24, 2026 to be precise. “21.2” means Chapter 21, section 2…or, even, Act 21, scene 2…however you want to look at it.)

"Didn’t you hear? What’s been going on in the world as of late?"

"I remember hearing that the US government was having trouble last time we were here..."

"Well, things got much worse. The government has all but collapsed."

The colonel’s face dropped.

Francis rubbed the heel of his boot in the dirt. "Well, some terrorists decided to bomb some cities."

It finally clicked in Henry's mind what had happened, and he could see the same look of dread in the colonel's face. "Nuclear bombs?"

Francis nodded glumly. "I should probably tell you the story, to fill you in."

"Please," Henry said.

Francis leaned against the truck and told his story. "Well, it began a few months ago. I don’t readily recall what was so special about the date, but it was some kind of anniversary. Terrorists made threats, the US essentially laughed, typical routine. Up until two days ago. That’s when the terrorists made good their threat and detonated nuclear devices, one in New York City and one in Los Angeles. Once that happened, riots seemed to pop up everywhere. We immediately sent in special forces to occupy suspected terrorist bases ... in foreign countries. Needless to say, the countries they invaded are very pissed off about that."

"That’s grim," Henry glumly stated. "But we've done that before."

"Yeah, well, it gets worse. The other countries in the international community have warned us in regards to our conflict. They’re warning us about these countries’ recent acquisition of improved nuclear weapons ... and, unfortunately, the people in the region are not afraid to use them, as we have already seen. I’m not sure where it will go, but it looks very bad. I mean, the whole concept of ‘brotherly love’ never really caught on in the world, but, for example, Philadelphia, the city of so-called brotherly love, is the city in worst shape with radicals, preaching the end of the world."

(May 28, 2026)
He skittered back down the embankment and followed his detour with caution. He could hear the soldiers talking overhead. One of the military jeeps had its FM radio on.

"...announced today that it will not tolerate the invasion by US forces and threatens an immediate retaliation if these forces are not removed from the alleged terrorist bases within Iran..." (Note: This spot is obviously dead wrong)

(June 3, 2026)
Maria looked at her children. "I didn't want to see my little ones get blown up," she replied. "Haven't you been listening to the news?"

Duke shook his head. "I've only heard some news, by chance."

"Huh. Well, the United States landed special forces at two terrorist compounds within Iran. Iran's government wasn't happy about that and threatened to retaliate against the United States for their invasion of Iran and continuing occupation of forces in Iraq. (Note: I wrote this BEFORE we invaded Iraq in 2003) Russia, Pakistan and China are backing Iran. Pakistan is even supplying them with newer nuclear technology. Now, Iran has had nuclear weapons for several years, but this is advanced missile technology. They can now launch weapons into the United States, if they wanted. And they've threatened to do it, too."


(August 4, 2026)
"Would you believe I managed to get a phone call from him. He’s still got contacts in the Pentagon. A nuclear attack is imminent!"

Lex tried to leap up in surprise and disbelief, but the harness held him in. "What? Why?"

"The U.S. troops… when they invaded that country that was harboring the terrorist headquarters… they’re going to launch. And they’ve got friends who are ready to support them!"

Lex swallows hard. "Friends?"

"Pakistan and China."

(August 5, 2026 – the aftermath)
"Very well." She continued her search of the office. On the second desk, located directly in the center of the small office, was a disorganized pile of newspapers. She grabbed one and read it. It was dated July 15, 2026. Local time, she reminded herself, remembering that on Vega 4, it was technically early September in the year 2020. The headline read "NEW TERRORIST THREAT". Reading the first body of text below, she began to understand what happened. "A statement issued today by the fragment terrorist group states that if the United States does not withdraw its troops from the occupied countries of Iraq and Iran, it will be forced to detonate several more hidden nuclear devices in unnamed cities, both in the United States and other countries friendly with it." The text continued on.

(August 14, 2026)
The group walked down the wide boulevard outside of the base. Henry walked closely to the Chinese dignitary. At a near whisper, he asked, "So, considering how things happened…" He glanced quickly at Tom.

The Chinese man nodded. "Foolish of us. Of all of us. In the heat of the moment, we felt we had to stand by those we though our friends, despite the consequences. The Iranians started it, the US retaliated, then Pakistan sided with Iran, and of course we had close ties with both Iran and Pakistan…"

(August 14, 2026)
The Chinese man spoke up. "I agree. I’m sure there may be tensions between some nationalities, just as habit, but those habits are what brought Earth to its end." He sighed. "I don’t know what rumors you heard, but the Iranians finally got their hands on long-range nuclear weapons and used them. And, in retaliation, the United States gave them a taste of their own medicine. But it got worse. As you know, Mr. Gusman." He eluded to a conversation they had when they first met.

I haven’t looked at this stuff for at least three years, until today. Why the hell did I pick Iran? I also picked Pakistan as one of the antagonistic countries. Strange, considering Pakistan is helping us on the ‘war on terror.’ Perhaps our future attitude and/or actions against Iran will alienate Pakistan. Who knows?

Here are the similarities in Books 1 and 2, highlighted and compared to actual past events, and the outline of events from this “Bible code”. It’s a general timeline based off of the excerpts listed above:

  • June 7, 2008 (Book 1, Ch 9.3): Explorers leave Earth to colonize a different world. In the most recent revision of my book (which was “published”), there are 2 shuttles—one doesn’t make it. In the original version, there is only one shuttle with 50 people on board. Equal to “Bible Code” date of the Rapture.

  • Before March 2026 (Book 2, Ch 21.2): The US invaded Iraq to attack terror bases (I think). Similar to events in 2003. President Bush cited WMD and stopping terrorism as reasons to invade Iraq.

  • March 2026 (Ch 21.2, 22.2, 24.1): The US goes into Iran because of attacks from terror groups within that country. This is (or at least, at the moment) is way off base…except there is always a chance we invade to prevent Iran from developing WMD (one of the ‘reasons’ we went into Iraq).

  • May 22, 2026 (Ch 21.2): Nuclear bombs are detonated in New York City and Los Angeles. Riots spring up everywhere. Event is similar to the nukes that are supposed to blow up around June 9 of this year, according to the “Bible code”, but the date is waaaay different.

  • August 4, 2026 (Ch 28.1, 29.4, etc): The world goes swirling down the drain. Event is similar to “Bible code” event, date is off by 18 years and 16 days (both events happen in August).

  • After August, 2026: The descendents of the colonists (and the colonists themselves) rescue thousands of survivors from Earth.

Like Jesus said in the Bible, only a remnant remained (Matt 24:22, very much paraphrased). Approximately 1 million, according to Book 2 (which is about 1/6000th of the current world population). But, Jesus also said that nobody would know the day or hour (Matt 24:36). So all of this is just an academic exercise (translated: it’s all bullshit). But eerily coincidental.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Not surprising...

An Immovable Obstacle to Action on Climate Change

Allegedly, a friend of the family used to work in the comptroller's office of Exxon back in the '70's, and paid out hundreds of thousands of dollars to environmental activists to protest nuclear power.

Apparently, Exxon (and now, ExxonMobil) have been in this game for quite some time.

The Hero of the Day is... - Tampa Bay Times

Governor Jeb Bush!

Bush emphasized at his hurricane conference that aid and workers will still pour quickly into disaster areas. But it's a "lot harder when people line up in their Lexuses and Mercedes to get ice and water at a public distribution site when the Publix is open a block away," Bush said.


Thursday, June 01, 2006

Someone finally said it! - Iran won't negotiate 'nuclear rights' - Jun 1, 2006

Rice said the United States acknowledges the right of the Iranian people to civil nuclear energy, but said the country's history of violating its commitments and working on a secret nuclear program mean it must now "persuasively demonstrate" that it is not pursuing nuclear weapons.
