Friday, February 25, 2005

Weekly Status (2/22/05 to 2/25/05)

Yep. I'm doing WEEKLY entries from here on out, unless something amazing happens. I'll update this blog every Friday (or thereabouts). And I'll include a "song of the week" with my weekly entries, as well.

2/22/05 -- Sure enough, I had absolutely no desire to play "Warcraft" today. Sure, the game's cool, and it has a very slick look...but I'm burned out after yesterday's marathon run (well... 6 hours isn't "marathon", but whatever). If you haven't heard of "World of Warcraft" yet... which rock have YOU been staying under? But seriously...I had the damnedest time trying to find a copy of this game. It sold out over the holidays, and I wasn't able to even think of getting the damned game until late January.

Enough of that. Anyway, I spent today looking for work, playing with my son, and watching the TV.

Today gets a "6" also.

2/23/05 -- My son's grandmother came by to go shopping (she's going to get his mother her birthday present). She got a couple brownies (*awesome* brownies) and the latest Tori Amos CD.

Today was a "6".

2/24/05 -- Today was a "6". Is there an echo in here??

2/25/05 -- I went to see my Vocational Rehab counselor and my job developer (helps me find jobs) today. We talked about which way I was heading in the program. Somehow, radio became a topic. Last August, I had gone through a career exploration workshop (i.e. "What the hell am I gonna do with my life?"). One of the things mentioned in the group that I could do was get into TV or radio. I mentioned this today...and then it hit me. I could do radio! So now my job developer is going to set up a "job shadow" (I get to follow a person/people around at their job to see what it's like) sometime in March. Yay!

It feels good to make a decision on something. Today is getting an "8" (for a change).


"Barrel of a Gun" by Guster. Excellent vocals, especially at the end of the bridge (I'm listening to it now). The lyrics are somewhere between tongue-in-cheek and ... scary. It's about a guy obsessing over a famous star. You figure it out.


The word of the week is: MONOTONY (n) 1. Uniformity or lack of variation in pitch, intonation, or inflection. 2. Tedious sameness or repetitiousness: the monotony of daily routine.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Daily Status (2/21/05) = SSDD

Today gets a "6" also. Man, if nothing happens soon, I may as well just make this an infrequent post (like a lot of people seem to do with their own blogs).

I play "World of Warcraft" when I'm not taking care of the household of looking for work. I made it to level 45 today after a stint of 6 straight hours of play...which means I will probably have NO interest in playing tomorrow. At. All.

There's really nothing else to mention. Sorry, folks.

I took my meds today...

Okay. I promised you all another rant on issues we have with society. It was going to be about why pot is illegal here, and how much trouble laboratories are having learning what good benefits THC have, but I thought two heavy entries in a row were enough.

So... what else to talk about... hmm...

I think the time has come to get out of the house more often. However, the things I'm more interested in become much more difficult when it's 3 F outside. Restaurants, movies, bookstores and such are out of the question, since our budget is currently *very* controlled. I also don't have a snowmobile or skis, so winter sports are out of the question. Driving somewhere, such as to visit friends, is also out of the question, considering gas is currently $1.90 right now.

I'm jonesing big-time for spring. The smell you get first thing in the morning, when the temperature is just a few degrees above freezing, and the snow is melting... there'll be a bit of a fog hanging over the snow... I wish I could describe the smell. It's strangely fresh.

But it's February, it's snowing, and it's freaking cold out. So I'm currently watching Season 1 of "Family Guy." I still need to go through the various web sites to find a job, so I should do that poste haste. I'm also anxious to get the final proof of my book so I can check it and get the damn book finally published.

I think I'll end this entry now. Well, I tried to not be heavy and failed. Trust me folks... I can be much funnier than this. Look! Look at me! See? See??? Damn it, you missed it! Can't you pay attention? Well, it's your loss, I suppose.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Daily Status and Song of the Day (2/20/05)

Today gets a "6". In retrospect, yesterday should probably have received a "6", too. Nothing stood out for either of these days, but they were OK and no disasters took place (which is very important). Did some errands, rotted in front of the computer for several hours, stuffed my face with turkey and played with my son. Not a bad day, for sure.

The song of the day (this feature may soon turn into the 'song of the week') is: "Butterflyz" by Alicia Keys. I like the song. Once again, very mellow and very ... well, pretty. It's a good song to listen to while lying on the man-eating couch (that's my couch), watching twilight progress into night. And then falling promptly to sleep (hence why I call my couch the "man-eating couch"). The biggest thing that bothers me is this: isn't it spelled "ButterflIES"? I mean, I know I only got 4th place in my school spelling bee (7th grade), but I think I know how to properly spell the plural for "butterfly." I understand that she is most likely using her "artistic license," which is fine; but there are those that go WAY overboard in mutilating English spelling. These people need to have their artistic licenses revoked.

Oh, and no, there's no link to the song. It could be considered copyright infringement.

Until out for snakes.

Can I help you, ossifer?

I promised everyone a commentary on how I think society in the United States could use a good enema. I already touched on one item: nudity. I find it ironic that we ban nudity on television and in public, but violence is perfectly OK. Janet shows some nipple at the Superbowl, and we all get our panties in a bunch; but we have no problem showing people shooting other people during prime time. To this I say: WHAT THE F***! (For you religious-types out there, I didn't see any Commandment that said, "Thou shalt not streak." It DOES, however, say "Thou shalt not KILL." Go figure.)

Second on my list is our views on drinking. Now, I haven't looked up German law, nor have I been to Germany; but my family has several German friends, from whom I learned about this interesting bit of trivia I'm about to share. In Germany, you can drink (in public) around the age of 16 (12 with a parent, and then only beer or wine). You can't get your driver's license until ... 18 or 21, I forget which. And Germany seems to have few problems with drinking and driving (their DWI laws are quite strict, too).

Here in the United States we have it ass-backwards. You can get your license BEFORE you're allowed to drink. Now, I see two problems with this right off. One: how is a young adult/teenager to know--by experience--the effects of alcohol on the human body if they DON'T get that experience (legally, I mean)? And then, not knowing how impaired they can be, they get behind the wheel.


In Germany, their younger citizenry KNOW what alcohol can do. Germans aren't anal-retentive about alcohol, and thusly fewer of their people seem to have issues with drinking, let alone drinking and driving.

It is also well known that the more you restrict something from someone, the more they'll either completely disregard the restriction; or, when the restriction is lifted, they'll go hog-wild. Dieters suffer this phenomenon. They'll forbid themselves all those gooey treats and starve themselves, and then, one day, they'll binge and actually GAIN weight instead of lose it. It's just how the human mind works; whether it's with alcohol, food, or whatever. And yet, we Americans don't seem to realize this when it comes to drinking, because it's so *evil*.

And then there's pot. But I'll save that for my next post.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

How Was My Day? (2/19/2005)

This was my first day blogging. I surfed a few other blogger's pages, as well. Actually, the count was only "two," but it was enough. Dick Shagwell was my first stop. I swear, I almost pissed myself at least three times (yes, I'm admitting to it). Let's say I learned ... well, nothing I guess. But I was well entertained. And despite how some people might view his womanizing (I have no problem with it as long as he is good to his women, which he seems to be), you read some of his posts and realize the guy really has a head on his shoulders. Needless to say, I recommend this blogger to just about everyone and their dog. Oh, and he apparently likes Family Guy. Big plus. And, I figured that maybe I should lighten up a bit on MY posts (which will very much likely be political in nature for a short while, thankfully). And whatnot (ha ha).

His page led me to Trashman's blog, which I haven't finished, but is also quite funny. I'll have to continue reading it later.

My friend-with-benefits poked fun at me, that I would spend so much time reading Shagwell's stuff. Things like "so you like him, huh?" (considering my once-bisexual background, there's an inside joke in there). Really funny.

Hmm... looking back, I see this is my fourth post in 24 hours. I need a job. Or a life. Or both, while we're at it. Or the winning lottery numbers. Yeah... that's the ticket...

Today was a decent day. I'll have to give it a "7." Thank God for good drugs!

The word of the day is: Cucumber. Don't ask why. I don't even know. It just ... popped in there. The word, not the vegetable. Why do I get the feeling I'm setting myself up for a bad joke...

Song of the Day (02/19/2005)

Today's song of the day is:

"Keep On Movin'" by Soul II Soul

Why? Because I can.

Yeah, buy *why* do I like this song? Well, it has a nice, mellow groove to it. It kind of reminds me of sunset afternoons in the summer. I'd like to quote you the lyrics, but damned if I can find them ANYWHERE. So we'll just have to live with it.

You keep your car keys WHERE?

Here is something I saw on The article itself is about nudists at a restaurant in NYC. This quote, though, is about naked yoga and people's behavior therein. I quote:

"Everyone was a little concerned there would be people looking around but the good thing is nobody really was," she said, standing at the restaurant's bar before dinner.

Well, of COURSE not. If I were in a room full of naked people, and I was naked myself, I'd be scared to DEATH of popping a boner. That would get about a 9.9 on the Embarassment Scale. I'm sure the other people there would rather just focus on their yoga (which this woman did mention) than risk the ...uh... discomfort of sporting a woodie (if you're male). Women on the other hand... well, I guess they just don't want to fall over laughing if one of us men DID get an erection.

My stance on nudity--including public nudity--is this: what's the big freaking deal? God put us into this world like this. It says in Acts 10:15, "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean." It refers to Peter visiting Cornelius, a gentile, and how normally a Jew is forbidden to associate with a gentile; and yet because God claimed that no man should be considered unclean, that Peter should visit and witness to him. In a nutshell, it states that we should not condemn that which God has created. And yet, do we do so when we (for all intents and purposes) deride nudism? (Of course, there's passages in the Old Testament about the children not being allowed to see their father naked because it's shameful, but whatever.)

Okay, done rambling. I'm going to be concise. I see nothing wrong with nudity ... although there are some people who should think about whether it would be wise to wander around naked. And, of course, nuditiy in Maine in the middle of January is just plain stupid (unless it's indoors and the heat's cranked). The human body can be a beautiful thing, and, in my opinion, it's an insult to God to be ashamed of His creation.

No, I'm not a "Bible thumper" (as some people call it), but, considering how the United States has this ...issue with religion and how it ties in to morality and (dare I say it) law, I figured this was a good venue to use a Bible quote, in context.

Wow, do I have a ream of complaints with the hypocrisy and general oddity of we Americans. But I'll save that for another post.

Introduction (kind of)

Well, I finally decided to do blogs. It'll be a nice little outlet for my writing when I can't think of anything truly constructive to write. Instead, I'll be able to vent and preach to the public in general. Isn't that just lovely?

Here's what I'll (try to) do every day:

1. Post my "Song of the Day," based off of either my All-Time Favorites (currenlty 72 of them), or some other song pertinent to whatever I had been thinking that day.
2. Post a "Daily Summary," telling the whole world what happened that day, how good of a day it was (on a scale of 1 to 10), and whatever else I can think of relating to that day.
3. Post a "Word of the Day." No definition (unless I feel like it), and no real set pattern. Could relate to an event during the day, or something completely off-the-wall.

Occasionally, I'll let everyone know the status on my very first book to be published, Voyage to Xanadu, a sci-fi/mystical story about some guy who has some whacked-out vision about the end of the world, and how he manages to take 100 people (including himself) to a planet far, far away. In the process, he and his compatriots build a spaceship, dodge the government, have an ...incident... on one of the planets they discover (ain't tellin!), and other things.

Just for a whacky side-note: I'm writing this post, listening to music stored on my hard drive (i.e. the Top 72 Songs I mentioned before), and "Xanadu" popped on. Book called Voyage to Xanadu...a song called "Xanadu"... isn't that vierd? (yes, I just watched Goldmember. So sue me.)

Anyway, keep posted here for more senseless ramblings. yay.