Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Was Aristotle gay?

The question someone asked about Aristotle and Socrates being "gay".
An article from Stanford about the origins of homosexuality.

Keep an eye on these links, as I'll refer to them from time to time.

I'm taking my previous post a little bit farther and going outside the Bible (shame on me) to what people know and/or understand about Western philosophy...or, at least, the roots of it. We're taking a little trip to Greece, where same-sex unions weren't just tolerated, they were accepted as an exchange between equals. Freaky, huh? Now you know why Paul refers to not engaging in certain acts the "heathens" engage in. Perhaps THIS is why Biblical interpreters thought that "abusing yourself with mankind" meant same-sex unions. Hmm. Interesting. Anyway. Back to Greece!

*reading Stanford article* Good grief. I don't even know how to break this down. Apparently, I'm not a Mensa student. *grin* But I'm going to try to throw some choice quotes at you for your deliberation. One, from Plutarch (apparently a philosopher from ancient Greece), "the noble lover of beauty engages in love wherever he sees excellence and splendid natural endowment without regard for any difference in physiological detail." (Dialogue on Love) Another quote directly from the article: "Plato, in the Symposium, argues for an army to be comprised of same-sex lovers. Thebes did form such a regiment, the Sacred Band of Thebes, formed of 500 soldiers. They were renowned in the ancient world for their valor in battle."

What I find fascinating is how a same-sex union, in one culture, is considered the height of valor and excellence, while in another culture it is an "abomination." What I will note, though (and I reflected on this, too, in my last post), is that same-sex unions were supposed to be in moderation. Quote: "Even though the gender that one was erotically attracted to (at any specific time, given the assumption that persons will likely be attracted to persons of both sexes) was not important, other issues were salient, such as whether one exercised moderation."

Moderation seems to be a key factor in both Eastern and Western philosophies--even in Christianity (remember the seven deadly sins? All indicative of a lack of moderation: lust, greed, gluttony, etc).

So all of this refines the point of whether homosexuality (as we define it today) is good or evil: it is good in moderation. But we humans seem to have difficulty with that. Lately, I have been thinking about my sexual orientation (like the posts lately couldn't have given that away). I found one online chat group of bisexuals; and they seemingly are only interested in sex (based on their profiles and posted messages anyway...haven't spoken or chatted to a single one). This disturbs me, and I find myself swinging back to the right a little bit when I see it. I know there are gays and bis out there that are not just out for that quick fix.

But I digress a bit. I encourage you to read these links...I know I will. But as a final note, I should point out that these are the same people who looked upon heterosexual acts (opposite-sex unions) merely as a necessity, and that women held an inferior station in society. But, then again, so do a lot of patriarchal societies, Judaism and Christianity included. Just a parting thought.

The question of homosexuality and the Bible (long rant, be warned!)

I went looking for a reference on the body being a temple for the Spirit (1 Corinthians 6, by the way), and found this passage. This is in the "New International Version (NIV)." Here's the relevant part of the passage (1 Corinthians 6:9):

Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders...

Okay, that's fine. Now I understand why the Christian right-wing is so against anything homosexual. However, here's my problem. Let's take a look at the King James Version (KJV):

Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind...

So, essentially, this is how KJV was translated into the NIV:

  • "effeminate" became "male prostitutes"

  • "abusers of themselves with mankind" became "homosexual offenders"

How did they come to interpret things this way?? That's what I want to know. Because there are male prostitutes out there who are definitely NOT effeminate (they sell themselves to WOMEN). And "mankind" back in "the day" was synonymous with the human race. I say this because I cannot find a Biblical reference to humankind. So what does it really mean to abuse yourself with humanity? Self-mutilation? Self-degradation?

With that in mind, let's look at another one of my favorite verses...God's greatest commandment (Matthew 22:35-40):

One of them, an expert in the law, tested him [Jesus] with this question: "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor [WAIT FOR IT...] as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

Now here's how I interpret "abusers of themselves with mankind": This is a person who cannot love him/herself, and therefore cannot love his/her neighbor. And, therefore, in likeness, cannot love God. How can a person who cannot love ever inherit the kingdom of God?

So how did man decide that "abusers of themselves" became "homosexual?" It is (I belive) because Christianity is founded on Judaism. Remember that Paul (once Saul) was a Jew and strongly believed in Jewish law. And, most of the Christian Bible is the Old Testament.

I tried finding the relevant passages in the Old Testament (I know it's in Deuteronomy somewhere) on this site (the one I've been using all along), and all I could find, in the King James version, relating to homosexuals was the term "sodomite".

What happened in Sodom? Well, long story short, angels of God came to visit the last righteous family in Sodom; and when the other Sodomites found out who was there, they wanted to FORCEFULLY have sex with them (males). Sodomy, therefore, isn't just necessarily anal sex, but anal rape. Here is the passage. Note that the Sodomite males were going to BREAK DOWN THE DOOR to get to the angels.

This, of course, was the straw that broke the camel's back; and God destroyed Sodom.

Now, then; back to homosexuals in Deuteronomy and how "abusers of themselves" became "homosexuals". I was wrong: the applicable passage is Leviticus 18:22 (don't sleep with men like with women, paraphrased). The penalty is in 18:29 ... being cast out. Now, here in Leviticus 18:22, "mankind" is meant to be "men" (since "womankind" is used). So perhaps this is where the interpreters meant that "abusers of themselves with mankind" meant homosexual offenders. Either way, you can see that homosexuality was considered sinful in modern Christian times (based off of the NIV) because it was deemed wrong in Hebrew law (Leviticus).

So is being a homosexual sinful?

Under orthodox Judaism, apparently so; but only inasmuch as you were like the people the Hebrew were conquering at the time (God wanted His people to be 'better' than that...after all, look what the men of Sodom were willing to do...of course God didn't want His people to be like that). But depending on how we translated from KJV to NIV (and whatever text came before KJV), we cannot be totally sure. I have shown how I can interpret "abusers of themselves" differently, using different context (the Gospels, instead of ancient Jewish law).

So, after all this rambling, what's the answer? The answer is in the heart, where God speaks to us. We often turn to man, and the writings of man oftentimes inspired by God; and it is never totally accurate. Wanton homosexuality, in my opinion, is wrong; as is wanton heterosexuality. What do I mean? Rampant fornication. It's dangerous! How else do STDs get transferred? And, if you're spending all your time looking for sex, how can you spend time looking for God?

Common sense, people!

I'm sure this is why one of the common tenets in Eastern philosophy is moderation.

Well, my rant is done. I know people may or may not agree with my point of view. But everyone must realize that whether you're straight, gay, or whatever; God still loves us all. Otherwise, we would never have had Jesus. Or Buddha. Or any of the other bright souls that have come to Earth to teach us how to properly treat one another. So go be good to one another, and refrain from true sin: actions bred from hate and contempt.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


pat robertson |

Here you will find a blog entry regarding "right wing nuts" in the US. I like Moby. I like his music. But I have to categorically rebut a few things he said here ( some cases, I inject my opinion as to why I think something is the way it is):

1. "the christian right wing in america are INSANE and, fyi, very dangerous, because currently they are running the country." Uh... there are those of us who are Christian and/or right wing, and they don't support Pat Robertson. And not all of them hate bare breasts on TV, and think Teletubbies are evil (I do, though, just coz they creep me out), and that Harry Potter will turn kids into evil sorcerers. To pidgeonhole all "Christians" and/or "right wing" people is at the very least a narrow-minded thing. Of course, though, we are all guilty of it from time to time, including yours truly. I just don't like seeing people grouped into one bunch like this, even if I'm not right wing.

2. "...and that iraq had wmd's..." Well, they never found anything solid, but there were finds of chemical protection gear (i.e. gas masks, etc) and other "circumstantial" things. I'm sure that the Bush administration went based off of what they had; but I'd wager they read what they wanted to believe into what they found. I wouldn't know for sure, as I'm not an insider. This is all assumptive.

3. "the highest crime and abortion and illiteracy and infant-mortality rates occur in 'red' states that traditionally vote for republicans." Okay, now in regards to "abortions," which leads to sex. I honestly believe that anywhere where there is repression (physical, emotional, political, whatever), it is in the human's nature to confront it. I've seen it in the Navy: you keep these young sailors away from alcohol for so long, many of them go out on benders when they get back to shore. When we went to San Diego, many went to Tijuana; and that made our captain's hair go even grayer. Instead of telling people "no" all the time, explain why something is good or bad, and let them make their decisions. You treat people like they're stupid, they'll be stupid. As for Moby's assertion that the number of abortions are greater in 'red states,' his assertion is based on an actual article in I just can't find the damn thing!!!

Okay, that's it for now. I like his blog, though. Until later...

Truth in all things...

The Incoherant Ramblings of a Poetic Compulsive: Platforms (and how they hurt my feet)

I quote this particularly accurate piece: (referring to music and ministry styles through artistry, etc) "It’s my firm belief that God can and does use both musical ministry styles for His purposes." Yes. Exactly. But why should God stop there? Why shouldn't God inspire someone who may very well not be a Christian; but instead He gives the artist some kind of insight into His word? Examples of songs I find highly spiritually charged (how many of these artists are Christian, I don't readily know):

"Kyrie" (Mr. Mister)
"I Would Die 4 U" (Prince. I realize it's from a soundtrack, but listen to the lyrics)
"Solsbury Hill" (Peter Gabriel)
"New Day for You" (Basia)

There are others out there, but I cannot remember their titles. The point is this: God will use more than just Christians to talk to us. I've heard things from Buddhists, Muslims, New Agers and pagans that strengthen my faith in God and Jesus. Who are we to restrict God and say what He will and will not use?

Thinking about porn. (yes, porn)

I've joined a couple chat groups on Yahoo to see if there's anyone out there interesting and/or intelligent to talk to. The groups are either related to spirituality (I'm still waiting for acceptance to this group, dammit), outdoors, or bisexuals. In one of the outdoors groups, I came across a profile of a guy who makes porn.

This got me to thinking.

I have always been under the impression that pornography objectifies its participants...that it is demeaning to the "stars." However, they chose to participate in the making of the porn. How can a person be objectified and demeaned if they chose their course of action? It, once again, deals with self-responsibility. I'm sure the participant probably doesn't feel demeaned... but I wouldn't know unless I were actually a participant. Who are we to judge these people until you know what it's like? I, personally, still won't watch porn. It's not necessarily that I hate it, but I have had the problem with it objectifying its actors/actresses (based on my JUDGEment, of course); and porn, to me, is like being a starving man with no money watching people eating at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

I think it'd be an interesting write: to go into the world of pornography. It would be educational, for sure. I don't think I'd ever do it, but who knows. I am a bit of an exhibitionist...I took a "cock shot" (picture of my penis) a VERY long time ago (when I was a teen). Things like that kind of lurk in the back of your mind. And the Hubba Hubba article I did a while back explores the effects and benefit of ... well, amateur porn, anyway.

So. I wonder what kind of written documentaries (or documentaries in general) are out there about the porn industry. And I'm not just talking about someone who has been in it for a while. I'd like to see a write-up, as someone experiences it, from the very beginning. What the contract is like...the pay...the people...the environment...the pressure...etc.

How was that for a change of pace from my usual political and philosophical ramblings?

Monday, August 29, 2005

Nine Weeks = Twenty Pounds!

In nine weeks of exercising religiously, I have gone from 189 pounds to 169! I can fit into my 32" waist stuff again. And I know I've gained muscle mass, so I've lost more than 20 lbs of fat. Here's a week's sampling of what I do for activity, for those who want to try:

Monday: Gym. They have a Bowflex there, so I'll do bench press, arm curl, stationary row, crunch, shoulder raise and the fly.
Tuesday: Bike to and from work. 5 miles each way, on a hilly road.
Wednesday: Gym and bike.
Thursday: Bike.
Friday: Gym and bike.

Some weeks I'll only bike 3 times in a week. One thing I've been BAD about is working on my abs and lower back. I'll do the crunches (occasionally) using the Bowflex, and sometimes some floor exercises for abs at home; but I haven't been very good about it.

I started out my workout routine by simply doing fast walking for ~40 minutes, three times a week, for the first three weeks. The next two weeks I started the bike. At the end of five weeks, I was down from 189 to 181. The Bowflex really kicked it up a notch (they aren't kidding on their TV commercials...most of my fat was lost in 4 weeks on the Bowflex--combined with the bike--than the first five just doing aerobics). I started the Bowflex on the sixth week. I could "bench" about 140 lbs initially. Today I made it up to 200 lbs. NOTE: If you can bench 200 on the Bowflex, you will probably only be able to bench 140 or so with freeweights, simply because of the design of the Bowflex. It gets harder the further you push, so you're not ALWAYS pushing 200 lbs when you do the bench press. Lame in a way, I guess, but I can at least brag that I can now bench 200! *GRIN*

Now for my diet. A typical day goes like this:

6:30 AM:
Bowl of Go-Lean Crunch
6 oz Orange Juice
A cup of green tea with honey (IMPORTANT! Honey and Green Tea are supposed to help with weight loss)

8 AM:
1 cup of coffee (They recently concluded a study stating that coffee has the highest amount of antioxidants of any food or beverage!)

9 AM:
2 pieces of cheese, sometimes with a banana

12:30 PM:
2 tuna fish sandwiches

~2:30 PM:
1 Zone Diet health bar
1 cup of coffee

5 PM (about 1/2 hr after I get home from the gym and/or biking):
1 protien shake

7 PM:
Dinner of some kind...sometimes pasta (the reason why I still have a bit of a spare tire, regardless of my fitness level), sometimes broiled chicken with vegetables and potato. It varies. And it's usually not a big meal.

Now some people might say, "How in HELL can you lose 20 pounds eating like that?" It's because all my portions (especially as the day goes on) are relatively small. I never EVER eat until I'm "full" or "stuffed". I eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm just comfortable. And I drink TONS of water (around 10-12 cups a day).

A final thought: This routine may and probably won't work for everyone. The diet is about 2500 calories spread over 7 or so "meals". 2500 calories alone is enough for me to "maintain" my weight, but spreading out the meals keeps the metabolism going. And doing the cycling--especially the first few weeks--will be a BITCH. It was for me. But now I've found I just can't get my morning started right unless I've biked into work. Wierd.

Anyway, if you are on the road to better health, you can use my plan as a guide, but should always confer with a doctor and a dietician.

Good health!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Song of the Moment

"All the Way Up to Heaven" by Guster.

Anti-gay church protests at soldiers' funerals - U.S. Life -

Anti-gay church protests at soldiers' funerals - U.S. Life -

Funny... I thought that, in John 3:16, "...God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son..." And last time I checked, gays were part of this world. Did God change his mind??? And do these protestors from Westboro Baptist have a more direct connection to God than the rest of the world that they would get the latest "scoop"?

I know what! Let's all get together and paint big signs that say, "God hates bigots!"

Sheesh. Give me a break.

PS: Demonstrations like this at funerals of those who FOUGHT and DIED for this country is completely reprehensible. Show some respect!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

1984 coming twenty-plus years late

'Eyes in the sky' for homeland security.

If you read this article, you should be able to see the implications. It has been a long-standing axiom that you trade freedom for security, and vice versa. Eventually, these blimps can go so far as to fly over your heads and watch every little thing you do. And I mean everything. Is that what we want?

Friday, August 26, 2005

And now for something COMPLETELY different...

Hemorrhoids Info

Told ya I like fart jokes, so me throwing this in my blog should come as no surprise. Wait, did I tell you all I like fart jokes? I like fart jokes (well, sometimes). Anyway, had to throw this in here as a bit of a break from all the heavy stuff I usually write about. ... Well, then again, hemorrhoids are no laughing matter!! They can be a real pain in the ass.

Ba dum bum.

Man I can hear you groaning from all the way over here...

a new life emerging: How to Get God's Attention.

a new life emerging: How to Get God's Attention.

There's really nothing I can say on this, other than read it and see if and how it affects you.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Is your kid gay?

The Huffington Post | Latest News

Wow. I mean ... wow. What some people will say. Wow.

Take a look at some of the comments on this article ... especially the 3rd one from the top. Point well made there, J.C.

What fucking difference does it REALLY make if a child is or is going to be gay? I have known a lot of gay men and women in my travels across America, and a lot of them are kind, funny, loving and normal people. And then I've even found bigots among gay men (some of the terms I've heard for a black person was enough to make me blanch).

My point? They're PEOPLE. Get over it.

By the way, I consider myself bisexual. I play for both teams, like the "all star" center in flag football when we all were in elementary school. Yeah, it's like George Carlin said about needing a black book... may as well be carrying around the white pages. Don't like it? Get over it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

An even newer purpose for this blog?

It seems my two recent posts on finding a nudist group/camp/whatever up here in The Sticks (tm) have elicited some responses from my many fans. Well... some fans. Well... maybe as many as I can count on one hand, but that's okay! So, I've wondered if I should spend my time talking about nudity.

No, but seriously. Nudism is something I've begun to feel very strongly about. I went in "the buff" again just recently to get some sun. If you've never done any nude sunbathing, you should. It truly is a feeling of freedom; to have removed all boundaries between yourself and God's creation.

The sad thing is, I kind of have to sneak in my sunning sessions when I know there won't be anybody around, and it's not on a piece of land that for nudists, shall I say. Yes. I'm a bad boy.

I *think* I've encountered one other person within an hour of here who appears to be a nudist...but I happened to stumble upon his profile on ""... an e-dating service. Can't contact him, because I'd have to cough up money for the right to e-mail him; and I'm not exactly looking for a lover (why was I tooling around on Love Happens? For shits and giggles). All I could do was send a cheesy free "ice breaker". He sent one back. Well. That was nice.

Just thought of something. I could go to my regular Tickle account and do a search for nudists.

I'm sure at this point you are all thinking (or some, maybe; who am I to judge?) that I'm just looking to get my cheap thrills. No. I've found being nude to be something other than erotic, believe it or not. It is freedom. Some people ride motorcycles...others jump from planes. I just let my schlong hang out in the breeze.

To recap: The purpose of this blog is *still* the same: to create intelligent dialogue on various subjects ranging from spirituality to senators. And now nudism. With that having been said, I have a little pop quiz for you! Here are the questions (all 2 of them):

What do you have against nudity (if anything)? And, what would prevent you from going nude in public (you can't answer "because of the law" or anything like that...other reasons not legal in nature)?

Another health-related link

Obesity rates climbing in nearly all states - Diet & Fitness -

I think I've expressed my opinion enough on this subject. But if I haven't, here it is, short and sweet: Obesity not only doesn't look good, it is (most importantly I might add) unhealthy! I'm not criticizing anyone for being obese or overweight (having been there myself), but this article should be a wake-up call to us Americans that we should be hitting the bikes/jogging trails/Tae Bo workouts more. I mean, come on! My big thing is to get out on my bike to get to work. Sure, I sweat my ass off and (initially, especially after a big night) feel like I'm going to lose my breakfast from time to time, but once I'm done and I sit in my office, I feel good. Damn good. The kind of "good" I wish I could feel all the time. I'm quickly turning into an exercise addict.

Anyway. Keep trying, America! You can do it if you really want to.

Let's meet the people in your your neighborhood...

My Life as a...Gas Station Attendant.

Every so often, you stumble across some real gems. Gas Guy is not as humorous as Waiter; but the writing (to me) is much more professional and philosophical. It's a strange thing...we walk about our daily lives, and encounter people like Gas Guy and Waiter, and think none the wiser. It's just a gas station attendant. He just takes the money when I buy the gas. Nothing going on behind those eyes.

Uh, huh. Right.

Appearances are deceiving. That homeless man on the street you decided to brush off...God only knows who he really is. He may have a blog, too; and you just became famous--or infamous--for 15 seconds.

Take a step back sometime, and wonder about the person you're seeing. Maybe--just maybe--you'll see more than what's readily apparent to you.

Monday, August 22, 2005

A well-warranted journalistic bitchslap.

Here is my favorite quote from the article. It was SOOOO good, it made me groan and roll my eyes:

Making the children walk with their hands in the air as if surrendering to the Nazis, while screaming and wailing in fear, prompted psychologists and parents to wonder whether the mothers and fathers who did this were fit to raise their children.

This is in regards to the parents of children in the Gaza settlements. And it is wrong on so many fronts. First, it makes light of the millions of Jews who died by Hitler's hand. Second, it fucks up the children (and me being a dad, this is a big no-no). Third, it portrays a stereotype that a lot of anti-Semitics have locked in their brains: that Jews are perpetual victims and want the world to know it. No wonder the majority of Israelis (according to the article) were pissed when they found out this kind of shit was going on.

Now, I feel for the plight of these people. They're being evicted from the homes they've come to know and love; and they have no idea where they're going to go next. That kind of instability sucks. But, as the headline to this article said, "democracy is the final victor." And the losers are a few thousand Israeli settlers.

I'm reminded again of David Icke's book and his opinion on "democracy" (that blog entry is several articles in the past... I believe it was done in May). It often seems to be the "tyranny of the majority". In this case, there really is no clear, best way to have handled things. Gonna alienate someone!

The biggest downside to this pullout from Gaza and the West Bank is this: it may (and probably will) not stop extremists from blowing up busses and cafes. Some people just want to be violent, and put the mask of God or Godliness on it. Bullshit. For once, I'd like to see a militant blow something up, then say he did it because he felt like it. Not because of the Israelis...not because of the United States, or even because God told him to. Just ... because he felt like it. ... Of course, I'd REALLY prefer that the idiot not blow anything up at all, but at least it would be a refreshing change of pace. Using God as an excuse pisses me off.

And to those Jews who feel they're always beset upon by villanous Muslims (etc): "One Jewish extremist killed four Arabs." Right in that article. Seems fanaticism knows no religious bounds. So if you're one of those people who were evicted from your settlement... I feel for you. I really do. But if you want to stir up more hate and discontent... FUCK YOU!

Enough said.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Another Daily Sucker!

Web Pages That Suck -- Examples of Bad Web Design

I seem to find all the good web sites. ... NOT! It's too bad. I actually LIKED the town of Solvang.

Check out my comments on Solvang's website. It's the Daily Sucker for Friday, August 19, 2005.

Got tired of looking.

I contacted a naturist/nudist group in Maine to see if there were any people up here in Aroostook County.

Guess what? None. None they know of. They suggested checking Yahoo! Groups. Nothing there, either. So I made my own, dammit! Here is the link.

Coincidentally, Yahoo! Groups considers the word "nudist" a swear word. You cannot use it in your group description. Duhhh!

They don't want to debate. - Bush supporters create opposing camp - Aug 20, 2005: "'We don't want to debate with people who don't understand our point of view.'"

This kind of a statement (said by one of the protestors) makes me wonder just how strong they feel about their own point of view. If they truly believed in what they felt, they'd try and defend it. At the very least, they should debate just for the sole reason to TRY to get others to understand their point of view. Refusing to debate, in my mind, is a clear indication of insecurity and self-doubt.

Now, if it were an issue of safety, that's a different animal. But I don't see this gentleman saying, "We don't want to debate with people who will throw beer bottles at us." No. He's saying, "We give up, by default."

Saturday, August 20, 2005

I think I want to be a nudist.

Actually, I consider myself a "closet nudist." The only reason I keep my clothes on is because everyone ELSE in America is so easily offended by the stupidest little things. Several weeks ago I made a blog entry about the Leopold Museum in Vienna; where they allowed (in fact, encouraged with free admission) nudes to wander the museum.

You ain't gonna see that in the US. I guarantee it. Not unless you're in a nudist camp; and that doesn't really qualify as "public" (like a museum).

I was out tanning yesterday (everyone was given the afternoon off), and for the first time tanned in the buff. Outdoors. With nobody around, of course (see hypersensitivity comment above). And I lamented how in this society it was so frowned upon to be naked. God made us this way, for fuck's sake! Who are we to be ashamed of what God has created? In my mind, it is an insult to God. Adam and Eve only became "ashamed" after they ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge, which was the ONE THING they weren't supposed to do. I found that kind of interesting, that humans break God's one law, and they suddenly think nudity is something to be ashamed of. Strange coincidence, that.

So, if I ever make a buttload of money, I think I'll start a nudist camp somewhere. Maybe. Because, then I'd have to deal with all the legal shit of having something like that... oh, I don't know. Or maybe I'll just move to Europe, where it doesn't seem to be such a big deal to be nude.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Trump has a blog

Yes, that's right. Donald Trump has a blog. His latest entry has to do with the rising cost of oil/gas. If you read it and the current comments there, an honest-to-God dialog can be started; perhaps revealing ideas for controlling the rising prices of fuel and/or controlling consumption of fuel.

I bike to work, for example. That saves me at least $50 a month in gas; and I've lost 17 pounds in the past 8 weeks (my BMI is finally below 25, yay!) One thing mentioned was the use of hybrid cars. An article on suggests that buying and using a hybrid car may not be economical unless you do a lot of travelling.

In regards to reducing consumption: here is a selection of suggestions, as posted on


Thursday, August 18, 2005


Yesterday, I found out that my old sensei closed down his school. I studied under him for about 4 years in the late 80's and early 90's, until the Navy took me away.

Fifteen years later, I come by the old dojo to see it now has an aerial antenna on it and a big dog leashed outside. The "office" sign is worn and faded. And, there are "For Sale" signs out front of both the dojo and the man's home.

This affected me quite a bit, and I was surprised by how much it did affect me. I was going to introduce my SO to him, because she showed an interest in learning martial arts. But that's not possible anymore.

So we looked around to see what other martial arts schools there are around where we live. And we found ... NOTHING! Not even our rival shool is in business anymore. The nearest martial arts school is ONE HOUR AWAY.

I'm really beginning to regret settling down in Houlton. Half the store fronts are empty. There's NO diversity in distractions here (even the movie theater is shut down). What the FUCK is wrong with this God-damned town!!!

Great. Now I've gone from depressed to outraged. Dammit. I have the perfect job (practically), and live in an otherwise good neighborhood. But there's no vitality here. I may as well be living in a house in the middle of a stinking, murky swamp for all the good it'll do.

On the plus side, we do have a gym here. And there's a painter who owns a studio downtown. So there's something...but it's nothing like it was fifteen years ago.


I think it's time to move back to Seattle. If only I could.

Adultery cards and the statistics.

When you care enough to risk everything ... - U.S. News -

My favorite line in this article is: "Secret Lover claims on its Web site that its research shows that 60 percent of American men and 40 percent of women 'are involved in or have been involved in an affair.'"

Okay, boys and girls; math time. If sixty percent of males are having (or have had) sex outside of a relationship; and forty percent of women have done same, doesn't it stand to reason that there are 20% more men having sex outside of their relationships than women? Who are these 20% of men having sex with?

The coat rack??

I don't think so.

Okay, okay. The math is a bit faulty. But when you consider that the number of men in America is almost equal to the number of women, and if you're considering that the number of adults (18 and up) count around 150 million, you're STILL talking about fifteen million men (approximately) that are having sex (or have had sex) with ... whom?

Personally, I'm more inclined to think that the "research" is a wee bit off (quote from article: "But public opinion experts caution that respondents have a strong incentive to lie, so Gallagher’s numbers could well be close to the truth."). But it still makes you stop and think.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I'm an irritable male, dammit!

How Cranky Are You? - Newsweek Health -

Dammit! Grrrr.... Rrrrr!!! Dammit! And here I thought it was because of lack of fulfillment based on Maslowe's hierarchy. And that I can't afford health care for my kid and significant other. And that I'm constantly harassed by bill collectors from my "troubled (unemployed)" past.

Just goes to show what I know.

Here is the link to the quiz that helps you to identify if you have "Irritable Male Syndrome" (a male version of PMS, supposedly, but extended and not based off of any periodical span of time). They suggest that if you have a score like I had, you should seek treatment.

Monday, August 15, 2005

What I have learned so far about learning TM (Transendental Meditation)

Course Requirements to Learn the TM technique.

They have a course for TM (Transendental Meditation). It costs $2500.

How many regular human beings have the ability to shell out $2500? I know I don't. Hell, several yoga instructor courses are cheaper than this (except for ones like Bikram, which is around $10,000).

This is very disturbing to me. I realize that people need to be paid for certain things, and there's administrative overhead, etc. But how is the Average Joe going to be able to learn TM if it costs $2500!? And, I'm also disturbed by the fact that "inner peace" has a monetary cost. Spirituality should NOT be governed by materialism.

David Lynch wants to spread TM to the world. They're gonna have to lower the price, first.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Getting dooced

I honestly think a company "doocing" (firing someone over what they anonymously wrote in a blog) is a heinous (I love that word) violation of the First Amendment.

Here's exhibit A: (I wonder if this is where the term was coined...)

...and here's exhibit B: Jolie in NYC, as featured on MSNBC (and previously on here, as well).

On Waiter Rant (dated December 14, 2004 for this post), Waiter quotes something of very great relevance here. I quote:

Thomas Paine wrote "Commonsense" anonymously because he was afraid the British would hang him. Waiters don’t want to get fired, blacklisted, or sued as you indicated you would like to do [Waiter said in response to a respondant]. The Supreme Court upheld anonymity in political discourse saying: "Under our Constitution, anonymous pamphleteering is not a pernicious, fraudulent practice, but an honorable tradition of advocacy and of dissent. Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny ofthe majority” (McIntyre v. Ohio Election Commission) Some legal scholars believe that the Court’s decision has implications for blogs and websites like this one.

I feel that if employers continue to oppress free speech via the Pink Slip for what people say outside company time, they're going to end up in a major legal morass.

As long as the blogger isn't using company time to write these blogs, and as long as the blogger isn't naming names or places that can help the reader identify the company, it could end up becoming a financial nightmare in the future to fire the blogger. At the very least, it would be bad PR.

Stop oppressing the little guys! You've got your Lexuses (Lexi?). Let them have their say.

Woman says 'McDonald's diet' took off weight - Diet & Fitness -

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The new purpose of this blog

It has almost been six months since I first started this blog. A very select few (not because I'm choosy but because others are, I'm sure) have followed me on the journey of increased wisdom, knowledge and compassion. As always, I vent my opinion on various subjects ranging from public nudity to the death penalty; and I've come to realize that the purpose of my blog has gone from just being a creative outlet.

It is my sincerest hope that others who do read this blog will share their opinions on my opinions. I have mentioned this in a previous post: good arguments lead to greater wisdom. I aim to make it almost a community of sorts, where people will also share what they think would not only improve their lives, but the lives of others.

I have included three prominent links on the sidebar. One is to the David Lynch Foundation. I don't have the whole story on how they work or what their ultimate goal is (and how do they intend to reach it, most importantly); but I do believe in the power of meditation; and that it DOES reduce stress and can potentially improve all of our lives.

Second on the list is "Waiter Rant," which is oftentimes humorous and other times quite serious. It also touches on some sensitive issues, ranging from death to just not being an asshole.

Next is a third site that is provocative enough so that it will make you think; which I believe is extremely important: The Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping. Apparently, even Kurt Vonnegut (a big-time writer on things philosophic and political as I remember it) has put his name on this man's list. This man is a huge proponent of First Amendment rights, neighborhood preservation, and global and environmental justice. And he hates Starbucks. Major point in my book. *GRIN*

Lastly, I have a bit of a project for you all. If you look at this post, you can see I have already started a list of ideas for what a "new society" should be like. Add to this list. This is your homework assignment. I realize creating a society like this would be near impossible; so the work is solely academic. But, I think it will be fun to see what we can cook up.

Until later!

Waiter Rant

I've been reading this site for a few days now. It is freaking hilarious. Also, it is very thought-provoking (which is a huge plus for me, as I'm sure you must know by now). Apparently, it is also quite popular; having had over 730,000 page views and a handful of interviews from news agencies like the BBC and New York Times.

Holy Crap!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The David Lynch Foundation

I recently stumbled upon this while reading my (which I vowed to stop doing but still do, much to the chagrin of my anger management therapist). Intrigued--considering that I have studied meditation in the past (through Eckankar, which I don't follow anymore)--I thought I'd drop them a line and see how they planned on executing their plans. Here's what I wrote:

What kind of an agenda do you have? What are your short-term and long-term goals? I've read about your group aiming to have an 8,000-member group of teachers (or words to that effect). How do you plan on achieving this? Thank you.

I got this as a response:

Thank you for your email and your interest. I hope the following explanation goes part of the way to answering your question about our agenda and plans.

As I am sure you are aware, there
is a deep, common thread in virtually all the
traditions of the world that have taught the
wisdom of the "transcendent" level of human
consciousness--the source of peace and wisdom. As
Dr. John Hagelin discusses on the Maharishi
Channel during his weekly introduction on
Wednesday's to the weekly news conf, this level of
human awareness is described by modern physics as
the "unified field"--the source of Nature's
intelligence, the absolute basis of all streams of
knowledge and experience. The tremendous,
inestimable value of Vedic wisdom that provides
humanity with both the understanding of this level
of life, and the direct experience of it.

Since the "unified field" is, by character,
everywhere, at all times, permeating everything,
if it is able to be experienced by the human mind,
it is theoretically possible for it to be
experienced in an infinite variety of ways. Human
history provides ample support for this
hypothesis. Throughout history, in different
cultures and places, people of insight (in some
cases poets, artists, musicians, mathematicians,
biologists, saints and sages) have described their
experience of this level of existence in a variety
of contexts and in many ways.

Experience and scientific research has shown that
Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation technique
and its advanced programs are the most natural,
effective methods for experiencing this level of
life. Scientists have been amazed to discover the
efficacy of Maharishi's programs. The extensive
research in the field of neuroscience has
confirmed that human awareness can be trained to
access the unified field. Modern physiological
science has discovered a "hypo-metabolic,
physiological state" indicating a unique fourth
state of consciousness-subjectively and
physiologically distinct from waking, dreaming,
and sleeping. Scientific journals like SCIENTIFIC
AMERICAN have published this research performed at
UCLA and Harvard Medical School on the
Transcendental Meditation technique.

The use of Maharishi's programs to solve society's
problems is also supported by the fact that in the
past 15 years the U.S. government's National
Institutes of Health have invested more than 20
million dollars in the research and application of
this fourth state of consciousness--the experience
of the unified field--for the treatment of stroke,
hypertension, heart disease, and other
stress-related illnesses, and that these TM
related techniques has been verified in research
to be free of negative side-effects for those who
follow this particular program of instruction.

As you know Dr. Hagelin's immediate plan is aiming
to amplify the influence of peace that can be
being generated by individuals practicing
Transcendental Meditation by developing a group of
as many as 40,000 TM trained Vedic pandits who
will live in one place and will have as their
full-time profession the enlivening of the unified
field, generating a power influence of harmony and
positivity in the world's collective
consciousness. They will utilize a number of
ancient Vedic techniques throughout the day to
generate the maximum influence. Based on previous
research, it is felt that a group of at least
8,000 will be needed to reduce societal stress in
the entire world consciousness. This effect will
make it possible to significantly reduction war,
violence and terrorism which is fueled by
individual and social stress and tension.

India was chosen as an immediate source of
peace-creators for implementing this proposal
because in the past 15 years more than 160,000
experts in Vedic peace techniques including
Transcendental Meditation were trained in schools
started by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh.

For a view of some of the programs and
institutions that have resulted from the revival
of Vedic wisdom that Maharishi has devoted his
last 50 years to creating.

Now, I know that a lot of quantum physicists and astrophysicists come to feel a sense of spirituality when they study their field; and some feel that their field comes close to proving God (I wish I could quote where I saw that exactly... I remember Tim Allen--yes, the comedian--wrote a book on quantum physics and philosophy once, called Am I Really Here?). This explains the "unified field" reference in the response.

They still didn't quite answer my burning question: how will they get these 8,000 people out there to help reduce societal stress throughout the globe? Dr. Hagelin wants to put 40,000 people in one place to devote their time to this TM (transcendental meditation) movement. How will they manage that? Is this where the 8,000 come from?

I, of course, homed in on this site like a shark in water where a drop of blood has just been spilled. I am always interested in ways of improving my and others' lives. So I'll send my question(s) back to them and see what comes up. I have a sad feeling they'll be looking for "donations", and the selection process for these forty thousand/eight thousand includes pretty much nothing more than the size of the candidate's pocketbook.

Yes, I am also a little bit jaded. But, maybe I'm wrong here. I can hope. We'll see.

"The river gently beckons but the answer is no."

Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping: "Kurt Vonnegut"

I read about these people, trying to make a change. Trying to keep the "human" in humanity. But there are so many obstacles to overcome, how does one effect these changes? Corporate power, political haggling, misinformation...

Big stores overpowering local "mom-and-pop" businesses. I live in Houlton, ME. It's never been a booming metropolis (hell, I doubt they even know what "metropolis" means up here), but its downtown ("Market Square") used to be full of vibrant and successful businesses.

Then Wal Mart came.

This is only one aspect in the entire drama that is unfolding in our lives. Only yesterday I learned that teachers can no longer use red pen in many states to grade papers because children found it "offensive" and demeaning. Holy shit, it's just a fucking color! Red has always meant "error" or "stop". I'm offended at the traffic light showing me RED when I'm late for work. Should we make all the lights green? Wow, that'll look interesting on a morning commute!

Every time I read about how The Powers That Be make life less human, I just feel like throwing up; because I know there is NOTHING that can be done about it. Not because change is impossible; but because there isn't enough of a grass-roots movement to change things for the better. I'm sorry if people find this or that offensive, but you cannot be happy all the time (read "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley if you want a world where everthing is pleasurable).

Strife is good. I'm a bit Darwinistic when it comes to this; but you cannot grow if you are not under some form of stress that FORCES you to grow. Too much strife is NOT good--this is true. But it has been psychologically "proven" (if you can prove anything about the human mind) that NO stress is just as bad as too much stress. No stress leads to lethargy, which leads to stagnation, which leads to DEATH.

Let me say it again, so I can spook enough people out of their peaceful, wasted slumber.

DEATH. For fuck's sake, we're talking about human survival here. God forbid we go the way of society in "1984" or "Brave New World". Is that what everybody REALLY WANTS!?

So I put this link up to The Reverend Billy, hoping that SOMEBODY will at least look at it and begin to THINK. Even if they don't agree. At least they're fucking THINKING!

Okay, I'm done with the CAPS.

Beyond Bible games

'Bible Games' instead of 'Grand Theft Auto?' - Games -

I think this is a very good (and, at the least, refreshing) idea: creating high-end video games based off of the Bible. Why the heck not?

But I'd take it a step further. Currently, they have a Bible quiz game where you answer questions on the Bible. They're trying to work on something more adventurous so they can break into the mainstream. I, for one, being Christian, would like to see this. However, I am also a student of the world and realize there is more wisdom than in just the Bible. It is very narrow-minded of us to think we can contain God in 1400 or so pages. There are other wisdoms and teachings out there very closely related to the teachings of Jesus (etc). Combine all these into a video game. And, have it so that the character(s) have to do things to fend off Satan and thwart his schemes.

People love to play the hero in games. You just have to look at the popularity of games like "World of Warcraft" to understand this. Maybe make the Bible game in the same vein. Different "classes"of characters that have special skills in fighting the devil and spreading the Word.

I wonder how that would look...

Monday, August 08, 2005

Hubba, hubba!!

The appeal of amateur porn - Sexploration -

This relates to something else that I think is important: we should all love our bodies. And, we should not be afraid to show them off.

Now, the more shallow person (uh, I'm talking about me, here, too, I'm afraid) will say, "yes, but what about the people that ...uhm... SHOULDN'T be seen naked?" Yeah, what about them? They, too should feel pride in their bodies. If they're fat and have a problem with it, they can always DO something about it. Even just losing ten to twenty pounds (which I've managed to do in just 6 weeks, coincidentally; going from 184 to 170 pounds) not only will make the "fatso" look and feel sexier, but they'll also have a much lower chance of developing diabetes and heart disease.

Therefore, in my opinion, I think everyone should go nude. If they feel self-conscious because of a lack in attractiveness in their physique...go to a gym. Or do like I did: buy a $75 Wal Mart Super Craptacular bicycle and pedal for an hour, three times a week. Watch that weight fall offa ya! And so what if you don't look like the Hiltons (or Ron Jeremy in the 70's, yowza!)? The point is to feel GOOD about yourself. You're not trying to win awards ...except from yourself.

And about that bicycle: I use it to go to and from work, saving as much as $12 a week in gasoline.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

There but for the grace of, fuck that! - Man holding daughter shot in apparent road rage - Aug 4, 2005

Now, normally I'm a "judge not lest ye be judged" kind of guy -- or try to be, anyway. But, if you've read enough of this blog (or just know me very well), you'll realize that I'll have to say something about this.

What pisses me off the most about this isn't just that a man shot a man, or that the man was shot due to road rage. The thing that really bothers me is that this guy was shot while holding his baby daughter! I personally think every Bostonian ought to be given the opportunity to form a line and walk up to the shooter and punch him in the face. I hope the judge and jury throw the book at this asshole.